American settlers spread west in the 1800s, how were American Indians affected?


Answer 1
Answer: They were forced to move out or be killed essentially

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NEED HELP ASAP-drivers education answer in paragraph form
Posted speed limits do not always mean that it is safe to
travel that fast. What are some situations where lower speeds may be needed? What are the
situations where traveling at the speed limit is permissible?​



Weather could make it so its safer to drive at lower speeds rather than higher ones. Hydroplaning can happen while driving at high speeds with water covering the roads. And usually just on a normal day, traveling at the speed limit is permissible,  using common sense. When you're driving, you have to be aware of all environmental circumstances and base your driving off of that.

Final answer:

Lower speeds than the posted limit are safer during poor weather conditions, heavy traffic, near schools and high pedestrian areas. However, one can travel at the posted speed limit when conditions are clear, areas are less-congested, and there's a consistent traffic flow.


There can be several situations when it is safer to drive at lower speeds than the posted speed limit, including during poor weather conditions, in a congested area, near schools, or in areas with a lot of pedestrian traffic. For instance, driving in the rain or snow can reduce visibility and make the roads slippery, thus demanding slower speeds to maintain control of the vehicle. If a lot of pedestrians or cyclists are present, it might be crucial to lower your speed to give you more time to react in case someone unexpectedly moves onto the road. Reduced speed zones near schools are particularly significant to ensure the safety of children.

However, there also are situations where traveling at the posted speed limit is permissible and safe. These can include clear weather conditions, less-congested areas, and multi-lane roads provided that the traffic is flowing consistently. One potential scenario could be on a multi-lane road through a city's business district where the traffic flow is steady, and the weather is clear, allowing a driver to safely navigate at the posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour.

Learn more about Speed limits here:


The build-up of the U.S. military in 1669 was an example ofA. Internationalism
B. Isolationism
C. Neutrality
D. Preparedness


The build-up of the U.S. military in 1916 was an example of Preparedness!

Hope this helps : )

What role do individuals play in a capitalist system?


In the capitalist, economy individuals more often than not take the role of the consumer.
Capitalist society has a free market or mixed economy. In those types of economies everything is controlled by the laws of supply and demand. The supply and demand is reliant on the individuals that are the consumers as it is by their demand that the supply is decided.

Final answer:

In a capitalist system, individuals interact as owners of major businesses, industries, financial institutions, or as part of the workforce. Through these roles, individuals either wield influence over social norms and political systems or face the struggle of overcoming wealth-imposed obstacles. The capitalist system fosters individualism and self-interest, which can lead to significant socio-economic disparities.


In a capitalist system, individuals play crucial roles in various ways. Essentially, they are the owners of major businesses, industries, and financial institutions and constitute the workforce that operates for wages. This system produces different social classes grounded on the concept that earned wealth or status is the foundation of social hierarchy. Notably, it is seen in the influence that wealth can have on government control and social norms, whereby the wealthier minority may wield more influence than the majority.

Moreover, capitalism fosters individualism, and its successful operation often depends on the ability of affluent capitalists to exert influence in the political systems to maintain their freedom. An example of this can be seen in the United States, where capitalism and democratic government developed together, promoting individualism and freedom.

Analyzing it from a Marxist perspective, Karl Marx critiques capitalism, asserting that those who control the factors of production in a country have too much control over its social norms. This control, he argues, allows the powerful to create institutions that further stratify classes, keeping wealth among the upper class while introducing significant hurdles to the advancement of lower classes.

Learn more about Roles in Capitalism here:


The mexican ________ is when th US paid $15 million for all the land west of texas !!please can i have an answer !


Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo