an economic system in which all means of production are owned by the people, private properties do not exist and all goods and services are shared equally


Answer 1


The economic system you described is called socialism1. Socialism is an economic system in which the means of production are owned by the people, private property does not exist, and all goods and services are shared equally2. Socialism is based on the principles of collective ownership, planned economy, and classless society2. Socialism is often contrasted with capitalism, which is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned, profit is the main motive, and market forces determine production and distribution3. Socialism aims to eliminate the social and economic inequalities that result from capitalism, and to promote cooperation and solidarity among the people2. However, socialism also faces many challenges and criticisms, such as the lack of incentives, efficiency, and innovation, the loss of individual freedom and choice, and the possibility of authoritarianism and corruption4. There are different types and models of socialism, such as democratic socialism, market socialism, and communism2. Some examples of countries that have adopted or attempted socialism in various forms are China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, and Venezuela5.


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Look at the 1819 Supreme Court case McCulloch v. Maryland. This will give us a look at an example of how the Constitution can be interpreted. In 1816, Congress chartered The Second Bank of the United States - a national bank.. In 1818, the state of Maryland passed legislation to impose taxes on the national bank. James W. McCulloch, the cashier of the Baltimore branch of the national bank, refused to pay the tax.

1.Did Congress have the authority to establish the bank?

2.Did the Maryland law unconstitutionally interfere with congressional powers?

Watch the below video to review more details about this court case and its setup.

Chief Justice John Marshall, in the Supreme Court’s opinion from McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), in which the Court had to decide whether the Constitution gave Congress the power to create a national bank:

“[The] Constitution [is] intended to endure for ages to come, and consequently to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs. To have prescribed the means by which Government should, in all future time, execute its powers would have been to change entirely the character of the instrument and give it the properties of a legal code. It would have been an unwise attempt to provide by immutable rules for exigencies which, if foreseen at all, must have been seen dimly, and which can be best provided for as they occur.”

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In 1816, Congress chartered The Second Bank of the United States - a national bank. In 1818, the state of Maryland passed legislation to impose taxes on the national bank. James W. McCulloch, the cashier of the Baltimore branch of the national bank, refused to pay the tax.

Did Congress have the authority to establish the bank?Yes they did.  Under the Necessary and Proper Clause Chief Justice John Marshall stated that congress had the right to “make all laws that shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers”

Did the Maryland law unconstitutionally interfere with congressional powers? Yes , the State of Maryland did not have the right to tax the National Bank and the Federal Government under the Supremacy Clause in the constitution  which makes Federal Law superior to State law.

What does Chief Justice Marshall say about the Constitution's adaptability?

He says that since the constitution was intended to last. It is adaptable to the new circumstances human affairs create. He explains the constitution does not intend to curtail or impose the instruments by which the government  should  make use of its power. It would have been “unwise” to try and foresee all difficulties and create a set of rules to regulate all aspects ”  which can be best provided for as they occur.”

Would Marshall be considered to be a loose constructionist or an originalist?

Based on this quote, Mashall would be considered a loose constructionist. He tells us of an adaptable constitution that is intended to be interpreted according to the circumstance of the present moment.

Being pressured to do something harmful or against your will is a form of negative peer pressure. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F


True. Peer pressure is when your friends, classmates or people your age persuade you into doing something. It can be a positive or negative peer pressure. Positive when the result of the activity is good while it is negative when it results to something bad or it destructs you and the people around you. Negative peer pressure is also when you are pressured into doing something harmful or against your will.




Being pressured to do something harmful or against your will is a form of negative peer pressure. Please select the best answer from the choices