Each ones receives:
1.25 kilograms
7.5 / 6 = 1.25
It is possible to set some grammar rules in Spanish language. for example:
- Every sentences need a Subject + a verb that correspond to each other
Pedro escribe cartas de amor
- Adjectives come AFTER the noun.
chica rubio
- to make a negative sentences, you need the word NO before the verb.
- ellos no van a la fiesta
when the subject is masculine then the adjective ends with an "o". If the subject is feminine the adjective is an "a". Also if the subject or noun is plural then the adjective also has to be plural for both feminine and masculine nouns. Adjectives are words that add information about nouns. Adjectives need to agree in gender and number with the noun they modify.
Paco tiene que limpiar su baño.
Paco tiene que limpiamos su baño.
Paco hay que limpio su baño.
Paco tener que limpias su baño.
20 palabras que no tiene diptongo porque las vocales fuertes que estan juntas se separan.
Answer 1 leer => le-er
Answer 2 apogeo => a-po-ge-o
Answer 3 poseer => po-se-er
Answer 4 bacalao => ba-ca-la-o
Answer 5 marea => ma-re-a
Answer 6 albacea => al-ba-ce-a
Answer 7 línea => lí-ne-a
Answer 8 toalla => to-a-lla
Answer 9 deseo => de-se-o
Answer 10 leopardo => le-o-par-do
Answer 11 héroe => hé-ro-e
Answer 12 koala => ko-a-la
Answer 13 caer => ca-er
Answer 14 león => le-ón
Answer 15 camaleón => ca-ma-le-ón
Answer 16 aérea => a-é-re-a
Answer 17 boa => bo-a
Answer 18 poeta => po-e-ta
Answer 19 poetisa => po-e-ti-sa
Answer 20 Paola => Pa-o-la
Hope this helps!
B. encomienda
C. hacendados
D. campesinos