Subject and Predicate: In the sentence "The strong winds ripped the roof off the house," which part of the sentence is the subject? a) The strong winds b) Ripped c) The roof d) Off the house


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is A , the strong winds because that is the cause for the roof coming off

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sentence rewritten:

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See below


Once upon a time, in a quaint little village nestled among rolling hills, there lived a man named Benjamin. Benjamin was known far and wide for his wisdom and kindness. He was always ready with a smile, a helping hand, or a word of advice. His presence was like a warm ray of sunshine that brightened everyone's day.

One summer day, a stranger arrived in the village. He was a mysterious man with a dark aura, and his name was Victor. He arrived in a cloak of secrecy and settled in the outskirts of the village, keeping to himself. His arrival sent ripples of unease through the tight-knit community.

Victor was not like the others. He rarely spoke, and when he did, it was often in riddles and half-truths. The villagers began to suspect that he harbored a dark secret, one that could bring harm to their peaceful way of life. They began to say, "I wish I had never met the man named Victor."

As time went on, the villagers' apprehension grew, and their peaceful existence started to fray. Rumors began to circulate that Victor possessed magical powers, which he used to manipulate people's thoughts and desires. The villagers feared that his presence would bring misfortune to their once-peaceful lives.

One evening, as the villagers gathered to discuss the stranger in their midst, Benjamin, the wise and kind-hearted man, rose to speak. He reminded everyone of their values of compassion and understanding. He argued that they should not judge Victor solely based on his mysterious appearance and cryptic words.

However, his words fell on deaf ears, and the villagers' fear and mistrust overpowered their empathy. They demanded that Victor leave the village at once, fearing that his presence would bring them harm. Victor, feeling cornered and misunderstood, left without a fight.

Weeks turned into months, and life in the village returned to normal. The dark cloud of suspicion lifted, but something had changed. The villagers could no longer look at themselves in the mirror with the same innocence. They had let fear and prejudice guide their actions, and they couldn't help but feel a deep sense of regret.

Over time, they realized that their lives had become a little less colorful without Victor's presence, and that the village had lost the sense of curiosity and wonder that his enigmatic persona had brought.

Years later, they still talked about that fateful summer and the day they let fear drive them to banish a man they barely knew. And every time they remembered Victor, they couldn't help but say, "I wish I had never met the man named Victor." Not because he was evil, but because they had let fear and prejudice cloud their judgment, and they had lost a bit of their own kindness and understanding in the process.

The saying served as a reminder that sometimes, our own actions and judgments can have consequences that we may later regret. It taught the villagers the importance of approaching the unknown with an open heart and an open mind, for the true nature of a person might be far more complex than it initially appears.

What impact has the Nigerian Civil War had on Jonathan's point of view?He feels lucky if his family is alive and has access to the basic necessities of life.
He used to be bitter about his position in life, but now he is optimistic no matter what happens.
He used to be optimistic about life, but losing a son has made him bitter and resentful.
He has not been affected by the Nigerian Civil War because he was out of the country until it was over.



The answer is option 1. He feels lucky if his family is alive and has access to the basic necessities of life.


In “Civil Peace” by Chinua Achebe, Jonathan and his family are survivors of the Nigerian war. That is why he feels extremely lucky. He appreciates the smallest details of his current life and feels blessed of being able to exits even after the difficult times.  

He feels lucky if his family is alive and has access to the basic necessities of life

1. Netta and Jim argued over their views of free trade.2. Netta and Jim had different views on free trade.
3. Netta and Jim were sharply split over the issue of free trade.
4. Netta and Jim refused to discuss the issue of free trade.
1. In these four sentences, the word that's most obviously a loaded word is
A. different.
B. refused.
C. sharply.
D. argued.


I think that the best answer here is "sharply": it implies a judgement: that the speaker thinks that they were very split over their differences.
All the other options refer to facts, even if the facts are about arguing, which itself is loaded emotionally.

How does Antanas' perception of America change throughout the text? Cite at least to pieces of evidence in your answer. ( From Lithuania to Chicago Stockyards)


Antanas perception about America is how it is a place of opportunities for growth and having better lifestyle for people.


From Lithuania to Chicago Stockyards is a story which has been written by Antanas Kaztauskis and it was written in the year 1904. The story written by him was a dedication of one of his own important journeys that he took in his life.

The story talked about the immigration of Antanas Kaztauskis from Lithuania to America to Ernest Poole. This immigration was done by him to enjoy a better lifestyle and to escape from the conscription.

Final answer:

Antanas’ perception of America changes from viewing it as a land of opportunities to seeing it as a land of exploitation and struggle due to his bitter experiences at the Chicago Stockyards. His initial optimism and excitement were replaced by disillusionment and bitterness after he experienced harsh working conditions, personal tragedies, and socio-economic inequalities.


In Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle, Antanas, commonly known as Jurgis, experienced a shapeshifting perception of America, and particularly of Chicago. Initially, he perceives America as the land of opportunity and freedom, where hard work guarantees success. However, this perception significantly alters as he undergoes relentless exploitation in the Chicago Stockyards.

The first evidence of this change can be traced to Jurgis' employment in the meat-packing industry, where he confronted a shocking world of dehumanizing labor and corruption. As a result, his initial enthusiasm and optimism were replaced with disillusionment and bitterness.

Secondly, after enduring a series of hardships, including the death of his wife and son, and his descent into criminal activity, his perception of America altered drastically. He became a man who conformed to the harsh realities of the labor exploitation and socio-economic injustices prevalent in Chicago Stockyards.

Learn more about Perception of America in the Jungle here:


Read the script. (1) The 20th annual Hilton High School Bake Sale will be held this Saturday at the school auditorium. (2) All of your favorite cakes, cookies, and other sweet snacks will be sold. (3) The soccer team even made brownies. (4) Doors open at 10 a.m. and close at 5 p.m., so make plans to attend today! Which sentence in the script for a radio advertisement is extraneous information?


Sentence 3 - The soccer team even made brownies. - in the script is extraneous information. 

Extraneous information are data or information that is not essential or relevant to the topic. Extraneous is derived from the word extra. Extra refers to things that are not essentially needed to express a thought or do an activity.

All pertinent information in the script for a radio advertisement is already presented in sentence 1, 2, and 4. 


(3) The soccer team even made brownies.

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