Amy goes jogging every morning. She has big strong muscles in her legs. Will Amy’s children inherit big strong leg muscles?1) No, because big strong muscles are caused by your lifestyle and cannot be inherited.

2) Possibly, because Amy’s children will inherit some of her features.

3) Yes, because Amy’s children will inherit her features.

4) Yes, because Amy’s children will inherit genetic information from her genome.


Answer 1




the answer is no because stuff that happens to you cannot be inherited in any possible way

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Producers obtain energy from sunlight, consumers obtain energy from producers, and decomposers obtain their energy from dead living beings.


Producers produce their food by themselves as they are autotrophic. They obtain mostly their food and energy from the light energy comes from the sun, by the process of photosynthesis.

Consumers are depending on producers for their energy and food. They get energy from producers they eat as food and convert energy from it.

Decomposers get their food or energy by decaying dead living beings or other organic matter. They change these organic matter to energy.

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if they ever in trouble the ither animals they helpped with remember whar rmtgey did and help out


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a human skin cell contains 46 chromosomes. A frog sprem cell conrains 12 chromosomes. which paie of number of a normal gamete from each of these species


Human 23, frog 12
Because gametes contain half the number of usual chromosomes, so a human gamete would have 46/2 or 23 chromosomes. A frog sperm cell is a gamete so it would have 12 chromosomes anyway.

Hope this helps :)

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Metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions that occur within an organism to maintain life. These processes include various biochemical reactions that break down nutrients from the food we consume and convert them into energy, as well as the processes that build and repair tissues, store energy, and eliminate waste products.

Thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is the endocrine system gland that produces two hormones that significantly affect metabolism. These hormones are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones play a crucial role in regulating the body's metabolism, which includes processes like energy production, temperature regulation, and the maintenance of healthy body weight. An imbalance in these thyroid hormones can lead to metabolic disorders such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

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Neutrophils do not have memory of any pathogen. They attack any pathogen indiscriminately, not selectively. This is why they belong to the innate (non-specific) arm of the immune system.

Memory T- cells are lymphocytes that are specifically produced and act against pathogens that were encountered at least at one time before.  The memory of that encounter is kept and when the same kind of pathogen is encountered a  second time, it is remembered  by these cells and they very specifically single it out and destroy it. These cells belong to the specific or adaptive arm of the immune system.

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