Give two examples of Khufu authority.


Answer 1

Answer:he kept strict control over Egypt's food supply.


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In 1989, pro-democracy demonstrations in China led to A. democratic reforms. B. a coup against the government. C. the destruction of Tiananmen Square. D. the deaths of many protestors.


Correct answer:

d. the deaths of many protesters.

In response to student-led protests calling for democratic reforms, the Chinese government cracked down harshly. Martial law was declared and over 200,000 troops were deployed to Bejing. On the evening of June 3, 1989, the army opened fire on the protesters, and forceful efforts by the military to clear Tienanmen Square of protesters continued through June 4.

The death toll for protesters has been much disputed. The official Chinese government estimate said no more than 300 were killed -- and they included soldiers in that number. However, a message from the British ambassador to China, sent at the time of the incidents, estimated the death toll to be at least 10.000. The ambassador's memo, declassified in 2017, described how some protesters were bayoneted as they begged for their lives and how human remains were “hosed down the drains.”

After protests in Tienanmen Square in China were crushed, on the next day (June 5), a lone protester stood in the street against the government's tanks. "Tank Man" (as he became known) captured the international imagination as an individual standing up against the overwhelming power of the government.


the answer is d, the death of many protesters


Which of the following was part of the compromise of 1850?



California was admitted to the United States as a free state.


The Fugitive Slave Act was revised and the slave exchange Washington, D.C., was nullified. Moreover, California entered the Union as a free state and a regional government was made in Utah.

Since the 1980s turkey's economy has grown rapidly because the governmentA(increased the farming sector of the economy
B(took a more active role in the industries it runs
C(removed trade barriers and increased imports and exports.
D(increased production of low-cost goods


Generally speaking, since the 1980s turkey's economy has grown rapidly because the government "removed trade barriers and increased imports and exports," since it has been far more involved with European countries. 

The correct answer is (C.) removed trade barriers and increased imports and exports.  

The Emancipation did not apply to which group? enslaved people in the South for less than a year families with men in the Confederate army states under Union military control African American men



The Emancipation did not apply to states under Union military control.


The Emancipation Proclamation was a law drafted on September 22, 1862 by the President of the United States Abraham Lincoln and entered into force on January 1, 1863, abolishing slavery throughout the Confederate territory still in Civil War.

At the time of its ratification, the Proclamation freed a minimum number of slaves, but as the Union annexed the Confederate territories, it paved the way for the total abolition of slavery on American territory. Slavery became illegal through the approval of the 13th Constitutional Amendment, a fact that occurred in 1865.

The law was severely criticized in the southern states, whose economic activity was based on slave labor. However, adherence of this measure to all Confederate states ensured Lincoln's main focus: strengthening Union ties.


States under Union military control -- Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware


Slaves in Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware were freed by separate state and federal actions.

Which innovators or innovations contributed most to the industrial development of the late nineteenth century? make sure your answer has ideas, facts, and/or quotations.


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "The innovators or innovations that contributed most to the industrial development of the late nineteenth century are the Americans (United States). They emerge as one of the most technologically advanced nations in the world. Because of the resources they have: land and literate labor, prestige of entrepreneurship, climate diversity, etc., these made America's industrialization to speed up.

According to Massachusetts Governor John Winthrop's Speech to the Massachusetts General Court in 1645, woman's true liberty lay in ____________.


The women's own choice makes such a man her husband; yet, being so chosen, he is her lord, and she is to be subject to him, yet in a way of liberty, not of bondage