The Postwar Economy: 1945-1960. As the Cold War unfolded in the decade and a half after World War II, the United States experienced phenomenal economic growth. The war brought the return of prosperity, and in the postwar period the United States consolidated its position as the world's richest country.
Both parties nominated minority candidates for the presidency.
For the first time, a woman seriously contended for a major party’s nomination.
Voter turnout in 2008 was lower than in any other election in history.
The Supreme Court decided the election.
The answer is
For the first time, a woman seriously contended for a major party’s nomination.
B. Robespierre believed in nonviolent government, while Napoleon executed his political enemies
C. Robespierre ruled over a representative government, while Napoleon ruled over a dictatorship
D. Robespierre practiced religious tolerance, while Napoleon banned all religions except Catholicism
The correct answer is C) Roberspierre ruled over a representative government while Napoleon ruled over a dictatorship.
The sentence that describe a difference between the French governments under Robespierre and Napoleon is: Roberspierre ruled over a representative government while Napoleon ruled over a dictatorship.
Maximilien de Roberspierre (1758-1794) is considered a key individual during the reign of terror in France. He became a popular figure when he was elected “Estates General” of the state legislature because he attacked the Frenc Monarchy with his ideas of democracy.
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was a military man that became Emperor of France when he crowned himself as so. He won different wars against other European nations and extended the Frech territory. So the difference between the French governments under Robespierre and Napoleon was that Roberspierre ruled over a representative government while Napoleon ruled over a dictatorship.