Who said: "There are but two parties now, traitors and patriots and I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter"?


Answer 1


the correct answer of the question is grant quote

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b. 1862
c. 1863
d. 1865


The answer is letter c. 1863.  It was an important event in the Civil Warbecause it was an important stage in putting an end to slavery.  During this period, Lincoln policies noshifted to outlawing slavery both in the North and South.  There were reasons why it took time for themto formally issue this Proclamation.  Ifit was issued prematurely, it might cause some of the states who had slaves butwere still part of the Union.  Apart fromthat, they needed a military victory before it was proclaimed.

The answer is c 1863

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Hope I helped and please rate my answer :) 

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I would say North America.

What reason was given by President Cleveland for intervening with federal troops in the Pullman Strike of 1894?:A. the Governor of Illinois requested the troops.
B. the strike endangered the national health and safety.
C. the strike interfered with the United States' mails and interstate commerce.
D. federal property was being destroyed.
E. the strike endangered the national defense.


The correct answer is letter C. the strike interfered with the United States' mails and interstate commerce. The reason was given by President Cleveland for intervening with federal troops in the Pullman Strike of 1894 is that the strike interfered with the United States' mails and interstate commerce.