In the novel "Children of the River" by Linda Crew, Sundara, the protagonist, experiences several cultural differences between America and Cambodia as she navigates her life in the United States after escaping the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia. Some of these cultural differences include:
1. **Language:** Sundara faces challenges with the English language in the United States. English is her second language, and she struggles to communicate effectively and fit in at school and with her peers. Language barriers are a significant cultural difference she encounters.
2. **Education:** The American education system is different from what Sundara is accustomed to in Cambodia. She must adapt to new teaching methods, curriculum, and expectations for students.
3. **Gender Roles:** Sundara notices differences in gender roles and relationships between men and women in the United States. These differences are in contrast to the traditional gender roles she experienced in Cambodia.
4. **Family Dynamics:** Sundara's family dynamics change in the United States. She observes how families in America interact and the roles of parents and children. These dynamics differ from those in Cambodia.
5. **Food and Cuisine:** Sundara encounters differences in food and cuisine between the two countries. American food is distinct from Cambodian cuisine, and she must adjust to new flavors and eating habits.
6. **Social Norms and Customs:** Sundara navigates various social norms and customs in the United States, such as dating, friendships, and social gatherings. These may be different from what she experienced in Cambodia.
7. **Religion:** Sundara's family practices Buddhism in Cambodia, while in the United States, she encounters different religious beliefs and practices. This cultural difference shapes her understanding of spirituality.
8. **Freedom and Safety:** Sundara appreciates the freedom and safety she experiences in the United States compared to the dangers and restrictions of the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia.
These cultural differences play a significant role in Sundara's journey of adaptation and self-discovery as she tries to find her place in her new home while maintaining her Cambodian identity and values.
Answer: Empathy
He snored as loud as a tractor.
as loud as a tractor
as a tractor