The subject of the given sentence is 'I,' which refers to the speaker. This involves understanding English sentence structure and grammar, especially personal pronouns.
The subject of the sentence, 'I lived in this part of the house and rarely went beyond the oak door,' is the speaker or narrator, referred to as 'I.' This statement falls under the subject of English because it involves sentence structure, types of sentences, and grammar usage, particularly the use of personal pronouns as subjects. Furthermore, identification and comprehension of subjects is a critical aspect of high-level English-language proficiency.
b. The sculpture Bird Girl is quite lovely, in my opinion.
c. The band played We Are the Champions after the football game.
d. Riddles in the Dark is the last chapter of the novel.
most sweet
b. read with clarity
c. make connections
d. put thoughts together
I am not hungry right now.
I is hungry.
Yo’ dog, are you hungry?