A precursor to this organization known as the Interfactory Strike Committee issued the 21 Demands. This organization was founded after the firing of crane worker Anna Walentynowicz. Social unrest in one country led this organization to participate in the Round Table Talks after it was banned by General Jaruzelski. This organization was co-founded and led by an electrical worker at the Lenin Shipyard in Gdansk. For the point, name this Polish anti-Communist party that began as a trade union led by Lech Walesa.


Answer 1

Answer:The organization you're referring to is Solidarity, which was a Polish trade union and social movement. Solidarity played a significant role in the history of Poland and its struggle against communist rule. It was co-founded by Lech Wałęsa, an electrical worker at the Lenin Shipyard in Gdańsk. Solidarity emerged as a powerful force advocating for workers' rights, political reform, and ultimately contributing to the downfall of communism in Poland and beyond. It was initially banned by the government but later gained legal recognition, becoming a key player in the Round Table Talks that paved the way for political transformation in Poland.

Explanation: The organization you're referring to is Solidarity, which was a Polish trade union and social movement. Solidarity played a significant role in the history of Poland and its struggle against communist rule. It was co-founded by Lech Wałęsa, an electrical worker at the Lenin Shipyard in Gdańsk. Solidarity emerged as a powerful force advocating for workers' rights, political reform, and ultimately contributing to the downfall of communism in Poland and beyond. It was initially banned by the government but later gained legal recognition, becoming a key player in the Round Table Talks that paved the way for political transformation in Poland.

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D) at the end of WW1. 

Prior to this alteration, Austria had incorporated Hungary into their empire (Austro-Hungarian Empire) and it was only after the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 that defeated Austria had to cede land to Hungary and Czechoslovakia. 


Austria was no longer part of the large Austro-Hungarian empire when that empire collapsed after the war.

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John Dewey, American educator, wrote the very influential book called "Democracy and Education". He was a wise man with strong political and social issues, that's why his ideas are considered to be the most influential in education and social reform throughout the educational history of America.


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Which of the following is a basic function of government?A. Maintaining a navy

B. Taxing the citizens

C. Creating public parks

D. Ensuring national security


The basic functions of the government is providing national security, providing economic security, and providing economic assistance. Thus, the correct option is D). Ensuring national security.

What are the roles and responsibilities of the government?

A government refers to the system or group of people that govern an organized community, generally a state. It is a group of people who has the power and the authority to govern a country or state.

Government plays a very significant role in any nation or a country as it performs different functions such as providing leadership, maintaining order, providing economic security, providing public services, providing national security and providing economic assistance.

Basically, government is a political system through which a country is administered and regulated.

Learn more about government here:-




D. Ensuring national security


The government’s goal is to protect the citizens of the country and this means making sure there is national security to protect against any threats or enemies.