A. Was Mozart born in the 1700's?
'Autocratic' is an adjective in the sentence, and it describes a leadership style in which power is concentrated in one person or a small group, who exercise this power in a highly regulated and dominating manner.
In the sentence, 'Some supervisors are too autocratic,' the word 'autocratic' is an adjective. This term often refers to a style of leadership or government characterized by supreme power held by one person or a small group, who exercises that power in an authoritarian manner, heavily regulating and limiting personal freedom and rarely taking into consideration the opinions and ideas of others.
For example, in a bureaucracy, an autocratic leader might maintain a clear division of labor, assigning specific tasks to each individual, expecting them to follow orders without discussions or feedback. Just in the same way as it occurs in authoritarian-populist judiciary systems, autocratic leaders tend to implement their vision and strategies without much democratic process or input from others.
The term 'autocratic' in this sentence is used to describe the style of some supervisors who are perhaps viewed as too controlling, dominating, or exercising too much authority without sufficient feedback or consultation with the team members.
The word in this excerpt from Homer's Odyssey that means the same as "to worship" is "revere".
The meaning of the word 'revere', which is a verb, is to show deep respect and admiration for someone/something. In that way, it can be considered a synonym of 'to worship'. Moreover, in this excerpt from Odyssey, the narrator states that one way of revering gods is offering them a hospitable gift. Gods have an important role in this epic poem. Some of the story's major gods are Athena, Calypso and Poseidon.