Read the expert from "The Morns Are Meeker Than They Were"The Maple wears a gayer scarf-
What is the meaning of the figurative language in the expert?

A. The branches of the maple are swaying in the wind.
B. The maple has been covered with decorations.
C. The maple is healthy and growing well.
D. The leaves of the maple have changed.


Answer 1


The figurative language used in the excerpt "The Maple wears a gayer scarf" is a form of personification. Personification is when non-human objects or things are given human-like qualities or actions. In this case, the author is giving the maple tree the human-like action of "wearing" a scarf.

The meaning of this figurative language is that the maple tree is adorned or decorated with a colorful and cheerful scarf. It suggests that the tree is vibrant and lively, possibly indicating that it is a sign of the changing seasons, such as autumn. The word "gayer" here means more colorful and cheerful, rather than referring to a person's sexual orientation.

So, the correct answer is B. The figurative language is used to convey the idea that the maple tree is decorated with a colorful and cheerful scarf



Answer 2
Answer: The answer would be a. the branches of the maple are swaying in the wind

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