Help me pls I'm bad at writing :( You went a trip to participate in a clean activity recently. In about 120 words, write an essay about the activity and your experience.
where was it held
how about the experience
what you saw and did
what you did on the second day
what you cleaned on the first day
what you mostly did there
(can help me arrange it)


Answer 1

Answer:Recently, I embarked on a trip to participate in a clean activity held in a small coastal town. The experience was not only fulfilling but also eye-opening. On the first day, we cleaned up the beach, meticulously removing bottles, wrappers, and other debris that had littered the shoreline. Witnessing the sheer amount of waste astounded me, making me even more determined to contribute to creating a cleaner environment.

The second day brought a new adventure as we ventured into the town itself, cleaning up parks, streets, and public spaces. It was awe-inspiring to witness the transformation as the town slowly started to shine again. Additionally, we engaged with local residents and imparted knowledge about waste management and the importance of recycling.

Most of my time was spent picking up litter and educating others on simple ways to reduce waste. This truly made me appreciate the beauty of the natural world and reinforced the importance of sustainable practices. Overall, this experience made me realize that with collective effort, we can make a significant difference in preserving the environment.

Explanation: i hoped this helped.

Answer 2


I recently had the opportunity to participate in a clean activity held in a picturesque seaside town. The experience was both fulfilling and eye-opening. As I strolled along the coastline I witnessed the devastating effects of pollution on the beautiful environment.

On the first day our group focused on cleaning the beach as it had become littered with plastic bottles food wrappers and other debris. Armed with gloves and garbage bags we diligently picked up trash and disposed of it responsibly. It was disheartening to see the extent of the pollution but also inspiring to witness the collective effort to restore the beach to its natural state.

The following day we shifted our attention to the town itself targeting areas such as parks streets and public spaces. It was remarkable to observe the positive impact of our work as the scenery transformed before our eyes. The town regained its charm and beauty as we removed rubbish cleared fallen leaves and planted trees.

Throughout the activity I realized the importance of taking responsibility for our environment. It was a humbling experience that highlighted the urgent need for sustainable practices and mindful consumption. I left with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to protecting our planet.

Overall this clean activity was a profoundly rewarding experience. It not only allowed me to contribute to the well-being of the environment but it also deepened my understanding of the environmental challenges we face. By coming together as a collective force we can make a difference and preserve the natural wonders of our world.

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