I need urgent help! Pleaseeeee lol. Any help is greatly appreciated(: I read these two poems (The Negro Speaks of Rivers and Theme English B), now I have to answer these questions but I'm not quite getting them:

Explain the comparison Hughes makes between African heritage and rivers in "The Negro Speaks of Rivers."

Find an example of Hughes' use of apostrophe in "Theme for English B."

How would you describe Hughes’ tone? Which rhetorical devices does he use to convey this tone to his reader?


Answer 1
Answer: In The Negro Speaks of Rivers he wrote it about he feels and what he was thinking that day.
Hoped I helped.

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B. There is none but "he" ' Whose being I do fear and under him my genius is rebuked.
 B. Cuttlefish "elude" their enemies...
 B. The president can check Congress when he vetoes a bill.
 A. What an animal uses for food is part of its "habitat"
 D. Most stars spend the majority of their lifetime in its main sequence phase.
 C. Kepler's first law states that planets orbit the Sun in a path called a(n) ellipse.
 A. O Captain! my Captain!"—a line addressed to the assassinated President Lincoln—is an example of apostrophe. - True. It is addressing a dead or an absent person.

The answer's B) He. Hope it helps

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C. Writers have a lot of control over their topics.

By definition, reflexive writing or self-reflexive writingconcerns the writer’s feelings, thoughts and personal experiences. This allowsthe writer to analyze and express certain events in their lives. It started inthe 1980s for literary criticism and was adopted for cultural studies in the1990s. It has been used as technique for learning and/or research in order tohave a more complete and engaging analysis of an experience through thecombination of observations and critical thinking.

The answer is C. Writers have a lot of control over their topics.

Comprehension is a highly intellectual activity.



I think the answer is A. True, since you need to reflect a lot to comprehend some certain books (For example: The Tamming of the Shrew of Shakespear)

Hope it ia helpful :)


True.....Why? because the person above me said it was... XD


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