Which sentence has correct punctuation? A. My chances of becoming a vet therefore, have greatly improved. B. My chances of becoming a vet, therefore have greatly improved. C. My chances of becoming a vet therefore have greatly improved. D. My chances of becoming a vet, therefore, have greatly improved.


Answer 1
Answer: D is the correct answer
Answer 2


The answer is:  My chances of becoming a vet, therefore, have greatly improved.


Related Questions

What is the function of the relative pronoun in the adjective clause? On the internet, we researched our ancestors, about whom we know almost nothing. A. object of a preposition B. direct object C. possessive D. subject
Which of the following are not affected by an author’s choice of genre?purpose, organization, choice of details
Odysseus spends a lot of time talking about the very strong wine that Maron gave him. What kind of literary device is this? epic simile foreshadowing extended metaphor argument
Read this excerpt from a passage about Easter Island, an island in the South Pacific that once supported a complex civilization. Which type of evidence would support the author's thesis?Historians and scientists agree that the landscape of Easter Island was much different when the first islanders arrived from Polynesia in 800. The island was covered in lush forests of palm trees and was inhabited by large populations of birds. Less than 600 years later, the island was a barren wasteland of grasses. The ecosystem on Easter Island collapsed as a result of the reckless use of natural resources A. A journal written by one of the civilization's chiefs describing how trees on the island died out after people cut down too many for wood B. Photographs of the many grasslands that cover Easter Island today C. Several articles written by different historians describing how people from Polynesia first journeyed to Easter Island by boat more than 1,000 years ago D. Interviews with people currently living on the island who enjoy bird-watching
Select the correct use of the missing word in the sentence below. I walked right ____ him in the mall and didn't realize it. (10 points) past passed pass passt

Sarah is writing a research paper for history class on the Vietnam War. She is required to use one primary source in her research. Which of the following is an example of a primary source?a. a biography of a Vietnam veteran
b. a website
c. her history textbook
d. an interview with her dad who is a Vietnam veteran


The best example of a primary source among these options that you've mentioned is an interview with her dad who is a Vietnam veteran. She can get all the details she needs from a person who was actually there. 

Which phrases in this excerpt from Alexander Pope’s "An Essay on Criticism" are oxymorons?Such shameless Bards we have; and yet 'tis true,
There are as mad, abandon'd Criticks too.
The Bookful Blockhead, ignorantly read,
With Loads of Learned Lumber in his Head,
With his own Tongue still edifies his Ears,
And always List'ning to Himself appears.
All Books he reads, and all he reads assails,
From Dryden's Fables down to Durfey's Tales.
With him, most Authors steal their Works, or buy;



The example of oxymoron in this excerpt is The Bookful Blockhead, ignorantly read


Oxymoron is a literary device which uses two words that are totally opposite to create a third meaning in the context. The line "The Bookful Blockhead, ignorantly read" has the opposites Bookful and Blockhead as well as ignorantly and read, this talks about a person who read so many books but they don't understand any from them, or don't get any gain or advantage from the information in them.

well, one oxymoron would be the third line

Which two countries had the biggest influence on English art ?


It Because of its Anglo-Saxon origins, English art was influenced greatly by Germanic art. (Thus the first country is Germany). Germanic art can be seen in English art evidently in medieval times, when portrayal of vikings were rampant. Next is English art's Romanian origins (Thus the second country is Italy) because of its Christian themes plus its Renaissance inspired themes from Rome. 


The answer is Germany and the Netherlands


Hopes this helps

How do we know that the narrator from “Mrs. Dalloway,” by Virginia Woolf, is told in the third-person omniscient ”A. The narrator only shares what he or she can see from the character’s actions.
B. The narrator uses “I” and “Me” when telling the story and does not know what other characters are thinking.
C. The narrator describes what the characters are thinking, and feeling, and also uses “he” or “she” when referring to characters.
D. The narrator does not describe what the characters ...


C is the correct answer, because, if you say that the narration is told in the third person, 'he/she' will be used. And if the narrator is omniscient, that means that he knows everything, what the characters are thinking/feeling.

In Pieter Brueghel's painting Landscaping with the fall of Icarus , where does Icarus drowning take place



Close to the shore


In this painting, we can see that Icarus fell to his death very close to the shore. If we pay attention, we can see Icarus at the bottom right of the painting. He is drowning, while everyone else is occupied with their work. The painting is particularly frustrating due to how close Icarus is to the shore. This painting is an interpretation of the myth of Daedalus and Icarus.

icarus fell overboard en route to sicily and drowned

(15) Some critics also say that introducing new technologies into the classroom hinders creativity and imagination (Dyson). (16) Without any organization, the abundance of information available could be overwhelming and therefore stifle creativity.Which is the best replacement for the underlined word?


The best replacement for the underlined word is argue. This is because when a critic tells an opinion, the he or she is arguing or opposing to what common people will notice.


A. argue


 The best replacement for the word say in the sentence is argue because that means that the opinion or idea is presented with a reason, which is stated in the line 'without any organization, the abundance of information available could be overwhelming and therefore stifle creativity.'

Whine - complain, cry, wail.

Express - state, show, tell

Admit - accept, agree, recognize

Other Questions
Cast:JEANNETTE KENNETH DADMOM(Setting: The Washington family’s kitchen)JEANNETTE: I’ve perused this bevy of travel pamphlets and I have no inkling of where I want to go on vacation. I thought about attending a performance at the city’s amphitheater; however, the city will be in bedlam with the performance and the sporting event occurring simultaneously. MOM: I didn’t find a worthwhile destination either. KENNETH: I’ve concluded that we should embark on an exhilarating and exciting trip this year—something we’ve never done before. MOM: I don’t want to dismiss your idea, Kenneth, but where can find such an awe-inspiring experience? KENNETH: I thought we could hike up Mount Whitney—it’s the highest peak in California. Because it’s located on the border of Inyo and Tulare counties, it’s also relatively close to home. Since we’re all strong athletes, I think that making the ascent is feasible. JEANNETTE: (to Kenneth) That sounds like an awesome and memorable trip; however, there’s one problem with your plan—I suffer from acrophobia. KENNETH: (with a look of befuddlement) Acro- what? MOM: Acrophobia—it means that Jeannette suffers from a fear of heights. The root word phobia, meaning “fear of,” comes from the Greek word –phobos, which means “fearing.” Acrophobia is one of the most prevalent phobias in the country.KENNETH: (to Jeannette) I recall a few years ago when we traveled on an airplane to Aunt Janice’s house—you were enthralled, peering out the window at the scene below.JEANNETTE: I did have a tremendous time on the airplane; however, after that trip, my phobia gradually progressed, and now merely thinking about flying evokes terror and makes me squeamish. For me, riding the elevator to the top floor of a tall building is much like trekking up Mount Everest—it’s a gigantic feat of willpower. MOM: Sometimes the best way to get over a fear is to face it. Perhaps we should try to climb the mountain so that Jeannette can tackle her fear. Do you think it would intolerable for you, Jeannette?JEANNETTE: (with a look of trepidation) I don’t believe I would be very excited during the ascent, and I may not reach the apex; yet, I would savor the astonishing panoramic views. But what if I lost my composure and chose not to climb with you? I would be loath to jeopardize your trip. DAD: Jeannette, we’re a family; we must always support each other. I believe that if you’re brave enough to attempt the climb, we should be more than willing to stop if you feel overwhelmed or extremely uneasy. MOM: Just trying is an immeasurable accomplishment! KENNETH: I’ll have a wonderful vacation as long as I get to view the noteworthy peak; everything else is secondary to me. What’s your verdict, Jeannette?JEANNETTE: The thought of scaling a gigantic mountain is both scary and exhilarating. I must admit, the allure of Mount Whitney seems to trump my trepidation, and it would be incredible to overcome my fear. So, I suppose there is only one thing left to do—pack!) Which is the main theme of the passage?