How did the soviet economy change under the direction of stalin?


Answer 1
Answer: Joseph Stalin killed more then 5,000,000 people within a year so that didnt really point the economy towards greatness.

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B. Increase taxes
C. Increase spending
D. Increase job opportunities


I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option B. The action that the government should take to achieve the nations economic goals would be to increase taxes. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day. Feel free to ask more questions.

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B. a supreme court justice is appointed by the principle but is not approved by congress
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The correct answer is D. A senator holds town hall meetings to find out how citizens think she should vote on gun control legislation.

Popular sovereignty is the principle that says that the authority of the government in a state is created and maintained by the consent and the approval of its people. The way to do so is by election. People elect their representatives and then demand actions to be taken. Like in the case of town hall meetings to listen to the voice of the people who voted for the senator. People put her in power so she needs to stay in permanent contact to find out what is best for the citizens.

The answer to the question above is D. A senator holds town hall meetings to find out how citizens think she should vote on gun control legislation.
It is the scenario that best explains the principle of popular sovereignty because the authority of the state (the senator) has the citizens' consent. The senator's power to decide has been vested to the citizens.

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B. The real reason Greece defeated Persia?
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the that would be best as the title of an explanatory essay is : A. How the greeks select leaders ? An explanatory essay is made to create an in depth analysis and explanation toward a specific topic. The title in option A, indicate that the writer has chosen a topic that he want to discuss and intend to create an explanation about how it happened.
the answer is A: how did the greeks select leaders?




Yes, Napoleon Bonaparte was an Emperor.


He became the Emperor of France in 1804 and held that title until 1814, when he was forced to abdicate and go into exile. He briefly regained power in 1815, but was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo and exiled again, this time to the remote island of Saint Helena in the South Atlantic.

Yes, that's correct.

Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and became the Emperor of the French. He declared himself Emperor Napoleon I on December 2, 1804, after previously holding the title of First Consul of the French Republic.

As Emperor, Napoleon centralized power and implemented significant reforms in France. He expanded French territories through military conquests, creating the vast French Empire. However, his military campaigns eventually led to his downfall, and he was exiled to the island of Elba in 1814. He briefly returned to power during the Hundred Days in 1815 but was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo and exiled again, this time to the remote island of Saint Helena, where he died in 1821. Despite his eventual defeat, Napoleon's influence on European history and his lasting impact on French society and governance are significant.

By the mid-1700s, the largest city in thecolonies was
(A) New York
(B) Boston
(C) Philadelphia
(D) Charleston
(E) Wilmington, Delaware


IN the mid-1700s it was the Philadelphia who was considered as the largest city and to be the country’s cultural and financial center. It became the US largest textile industry. However, during the 20th Century it was considered as the corrupted and contented place because of the different reforms that made changes to the country’s governance. Philadelphia became the busiest ports and largest city but war pull it down and it was put to pre-embargo status. Then it was the New York City who succeeded to this City.


Philadelphia, I could be wrong but I believe that it was