In terms of his labor policies, which actions best show how President Truman angered both union leaders and Republicans in Congress during his first term?.


Answer 1


D.  by breaking up different unionized labor strikes and vetoing the Taft-Hartley Act


President Truman angered both union leaders and Republicans in Congress during his first term by breaking up different unionized labor strikes and vetoing the Taft-Hartley Act.  The Taft-Hartley Act was introduced to restrict the rights of "labor unions," since it was believed during this time by many that such unions damaged the economy but majority of Republicans in the congress opposed the law.

Answer 2


D.  by breaking up different unionized labor strikes and vetoing the Taft-Hartley Act


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The present-day Republican Party is descended from_ party


The present-day Republican Party is descended from the "Whig Party," since the Republican Party was formed primarily out of an aversion to slavery in the US. 

Is democracy the best form of government? And why?




"Because democracy is the form of the most glorious government designed by mankind, it is worth to die" (Reagan, N.d.). This statement by Ronald Reagan shows that democracy is greater than mere government and honor, freedom, and hope. Examining the former government system such as communism and capitalism, you can notice that the limits of each of these government structures have failed over and over again. Democracy has been proven to contribute to the prosperity and development of this country through other systems of the past, representatives of people, and a confined balance of power.

Because any other form of authorities can not function well, democracy is the best structure of government. Democracy may be flawed, but in short, the work is very fluid. For example, socialism is not even shut to the best form of government. You can easily see this in the modern-day state of Greece. Democracy has never brought about best government turmoil like socialism. Democracy is the best form of authorities democracy and means the rule of the people ... this is the interests of the human beings and the people. Democracy is a form of government where all certified citizens can participate equally or directly, through representatives elected in the election. Because any different form of government can not feature well, democracy is the best form of government. Democracy may have faults, however in general it is very fluid. The democratic form of the government has quite a few advantages.

According to JW Goethe, democracy should be recommended as the best administrative form. Nutrition and water. By doing so, Switzerland is a magnificent example of democratic success. Therefore, we can finish with the words of Indira Gandhi - "democracy is the best form of the government, but it is definitely the most difficult."

Another structure of government is democracy. Democracy is defined as the form of government that power belongs to people. Democracy has two forms. One is direct democracy, where all qualified citizens are directly involved in government decision-making. The 2nd and more general form of democracy is representative democracy and citizens exercise power via the chosen representatives. The elected representative proposed that citizens enact and enact legislation to comply with legal guidelines and ordinances.

List all the 8 characteristics of a civilization.



cities, organized central governments, complex religions, job specialization, social classes, arts and architecture, public works and writing


correct me if im wrong.

What did pat pend invent?




ala kaca del you poop please hehe boyyyy

Select all that apply. Elements of the minoan civilization include: their writing system linear a is similar to that of egyptian hieroglyphs. The palace at knossos was home to the son of zeus. The minoans were invaded by the myceneans. The minoans were great traders of silk and crete-stone.


Options B and C that the palace at Knossos was home to the son of Zeus and The Minoans were invaded by the Myceneans are the right answers.  

Minoans were a group of people, who lived on the island of Crete and founded the first centralized western culture known as the Minoan civilization. According to Greek mythology, the mythical king Minos (son of Zeus and Europa) lived in the palace of Knossos. And that around 1450 BC, the Mycenaeans took over the island of Crete and conquered the Minoan civilization.


Select the word that best completes each sentence.  

A good or product that is brought into a country is a(n)  

✔ import


A good or product that is transported to a foreign country to be sold is a(n)  

✔ export


The Minoans exported  

✔ pottery


The Minoans imported  

✔ wood



How did the invention of the cotton gin affect slavery in the United States?


The invention of the cotton gin caused the demand for slaves in the United States to increase dramatically, since it increased the ease with which cotton could be produced. 


Okay so correct me if my explanation is wrong, but the invention of the cotton gin caused slavery to increase. The cotton gin is a machine that quickly and easily separates cotton fibers from their seeds, so people needed more slaves because of that, to use the machine more ig?