Please check my spanish homework?? 1. Which best desribes El Salvador?

A: small, mountainous
B: small, Caribbean coastline
C: large European population <------------------------- (My Answer)
D: largest of the Central American countries

2. Which of these is found in a shopping mall?

A: Centro Commercial Galerias <-------------------- (My Answer)
B: Cuzcatlan
C: La Casona
D: El Salvador del Mundo


Answer 1
Answer: 1. Which best describes El Salvador?
A: Small, mountainous

2. Which of these is found in a shopping mall?
C. La Casona

The  first question--you picked C. While 86% of the Salvadorean population is from European descent, this is unlike saying that the country has the largest Europen population.

The second question--you picked the actual shopping mall, and not the  place found in the shopping mall. La Casona is located in Centro Comercial Galerias.
Answer 2
Answer: El Salvador is B on the first question. As well, for the second question, there is a shopping mall found in D, El Salvador dem Mundo.

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A nosotros nos _______ jugar al baloncesto.interesar


the answer is the third choice (c)
The answer is Interesa

Which of these is eaten more commonly 'en el desayuno?"


I'm not really sure what you're asking lol but common breakfast (desayuno) foods are: el tocino, los huevos, and el pan tostado. Common drinks are el jugo de naranja and la leche.

idk i am thinking toasto

Crea tres objetivos de una investigacion de campo que podria tener una empresa comercial de ropa para mujer


Los tres objetivos pueden ser:

1) Ventajas del sector comercial. Es muy important evaluar el lugar en donde se ubicaría el negocio y si es factible su ubicación en dicho espacio.
2) oferta y demanda. identificar que productos se ofrecen en otras tiendas del mismo rubro y dentro de la misma area.
3) Evaluar a la competencia. tener conocimiento básico de quienes son los competidores y que productos ofrecen y a que precio. Al igual que la calidad de los productos ofrecidos. 

The three objectives of the field research produced were:

1. Achieve the number of goods

To know how many products will be produced and marketed.

2. Achieve the quality of goods.

Know the quality provisions of the goods to be sold. For example, the basic ingredients used are original, mixed or imitation. So, if the components are assembled pure or mixed

3. Reach the target market

To find out how many markets will be supplied, including how many distribution channels, to what extent distribution channels and others will be supplied.

Further Explanation

A target market is a group of consumers that focus on the company's approach to buying the product that is sold. In short, the target market is the group that will serve as consumers. The target market generally has a vulnerable age, nature and character are almost equal.

Benefits of the target market:

  • Facilitate the adjustment of the product and marketing combination strategy that is carried out with the target market.
  • Development of product positions and marketing mix strategies.
  • By identifying the parts of the market that can be effectively served, the company may be in a better position.
  • Anticipating the competition.
  • Use the company's limited resources efficiently and effectively.
  • Aim for broader market opportunities.
  • Place marketing ideas more clearly.
  • Manage products better.
  • Find and compare market opportunities.
  • Classification of the budget that is properly owned.
  • Creating attraction in the field of marketing.
  • The company will be in a better position.

Destination of the target market:

1. Expected target market achievement, to find out how many markets will be supplied, including how many distribution channels, to what extent distribution channels and others will be supplied.

2. Achievement of the number of goods, to know how many products will be produced and marketed

3. Achievement of product quality, know the quality provisions of the goods to be sold. For example, the basic ingredients used are original, mixed or imitation. So, if the components are assembled pure or mixed

4. Geographical achievement, to determine the area or region of the market, for example, the town, subdistrict, district, province, state and abroad.

Learn more

Definition of target market

Benefits of the target market


Grade: High School

Subject: Spanish

keywords: Target market

Si te gusta estudiar, leer y escribir cuentos eres ____.а. impaciente
b. deportista
c. graciosa
d. inteligente






d. inteligente


Si te gusta estudiar, leer y escribir cuentos eres _inteligente___

si quieres unas vacaciones únicas visita la ciudad de méxico por crucero. te gustan las adventures? nuestra agencia puede ayudar con tu crucero. puedes visitar los lugares culturales, comer la comida típica y disfrutar del arte de nuestro país. what is the purpose of this advertisement? to book a cruise to look for an agency to make a hotel reservation to travel by plane (i think it’s either a or b but idk)



lo tomare en cuenta!





fill in the blank: tengo una clase de inglés. para mi clase de ingles necisito un d_c_i_n____ y un libro



the answer is  d i c  c i o n a r i o__
