Can you translate 1-6 for me into English?
Can you translate 1-6 for me into English? - 1


Answer 1
Answer: 1. There once an Aztec Princess who was named Tecuichpotzin Mocteczuma. Like all the other Aztec princesses, she could only marry a prince.

2. There was one problem, the enemies had killed all of the princes. The only princes that survived where the young ones.

3.Tecuichpotzin got married to Cuitlahuac, one of the young princes who survived, but Cuitlahuac then died of the measles six days after the wedding.

4. Then she got married with cuauhtemoc, who was captured and chocked in a fight with the enemies.

5. The enemies did not kill her, but they did change her name to Isabel and married her to one of the conquerors, who died two years after the wedding.

6. Lady Isabel then proceeded to marry three conquerors who also died of unknown causes. What a curiosity?

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Indicate whether the statement is true or false.Cervantes es el autor de la novela El Quijote.



It is true miguel de cervantes wrote don quijote


Yeah the correct answer is Trueeee!!!

How to learn Spanish fast



learn some simple words, then conjugations to create sentences.


this is key to learning spanish

Asi se le llama a los episodios de una obra de teatro


acto o escena ambas estan correctas

Mi dormitorio es el dormitorio de mi hermano


Mi dormitorio = My bedroom
Es = is
el dormitorio = the bedroom
de mi = of
hermano = brother

My bedroom is the bedroom of my brother.
Do you want to translate that ?

Read the sentence and then choose the option with the correct word or words to answer the question. We are going to walk on the sand by the sea next week.

Which sentence would be the best translation for the sentence above?

Vamos a caminar por la arena al lado del mar la próxima semana.

Caminamos por la arena al lado del mar la próxima semana.

Nosotros caminar por la arena al lado del mar la próxima semana.

Nosotros ir a caminar por la arena al lado del mar la próxima semana.

I think the answer is the first one.


The correct translation of the given sentence into Spanish is: "Vamos a caminar por la arena al lado del mar la próxima semana."

Going To Form

When the form going to is translated into Spanish, which is a form of the future, the translation to this second language uses the conjugation of the verb "ir" in the present, as shown below:

  • Yo: voy
  • Tú: vas
  • Usted: va
  • Él: va
  • Ella: va
  • Ello: va
  • Nosotros / Nosotras: vamos
  • Ustedes: van
  • Ellos / Ellas: van

To identify the appropriate conjugation in each sentence, you must identify the noun in the sentence, replace it with the appropriate personal pronoun, and finally use the corresponding conjugation with the help of the guide above.

If you want to learn more about Present Tense in Spanish, you can visit the following link:


The first one

Vamos a caminar por la arena al lado del mar la próxima semana.
