Kendra is studying a unicellular organism that lacks a nucleus. To which kingdom does this organism most likely belong?


Answer 1


Kingdom Eubacteria

A unicellular kingdom that does not have a nucleus would belong in the kingdom Eubacteria.


Kingdom Eubacteria is the kingdom of prokaryotic, single-celled organisms that lack a membrane-enclosed nucleus and can be classified by shape.

Prokaryotes are organisms that lack nucleus and other membrane bound organelles, such as mitochondria. Unicellular means that the organism is made of one cell.

Answer 2
Answer: Answer: Kingdom Monera (sometimes separated into two kingdoms: Eubacteria and Archaebacteria)

Given that the unicellular organism that Kendra is studying lacks a nucleus, it most likely a part of the Kingdom Monera (which is sometimes separated into two kingdoms: Eubacteria and Archaebacteria). If the unicellular organism possesses a nucleus, then it’s most definitely belongs to the kingdom Protista.

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Option 4: Mucosa, Submucosa, Serosa, Muscularis


The correct sequence of the wall in the alimentary canal from deep to superficial is Option 4: Mucosa, Submucosa, Serosa, Muscularis. This order is based on the layers of the wall that make up the alimentary canal. The mucosa is the innermost layer and is made up of epithelial cells that are responsible for absorption and secretion. The submucosa is beneath the mucosa and contains connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. The serosa is the outermost layer and is made up of connective tissue, which helps to protect and support the alimentary canal. The muscularis is the layer beneath the serosa and consists of smooth muscle that is responsible for propulsion and movement of food.

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A. Hershey and Chase used bacteriophages to confirm that DNA was the genetic material in genes.

According to the central dogma of molecular biology,  the process of protein synthesis in living organisms follows the  order: DNA →RNA→ Protein.Information for synthesis of a particular protein is copied (transcribed) from DNA onto mRNA in a process called transcription, in the cell nucleus.mRNA (messenger RNA) leaves the cell nucleus and enters the cytoplasm where it attaches to a ribosome.  tRNA (transfer RNA)  begins to decode (translate) the information on the attached mRNA in a process called translation and fetches amino acids corresponding to this information from the pool of free amino acids in the cytoplasm, and brings them to the ribosome where they are joined together into a chain and thus the protein is formed.

Fill in the blank: When you paddle a boat in the water. the force of your paddle will push the water which will apply an equal force back on you. There is very little resistance to this motion because there is a limited _______ force between the canoe and the surface of the water due to the smooth surface





This scenario follows Newton's third law of motion which alludes to the fact that for every force or action exerted by a person on a body there is an equal and opposite reaction exerted back.

Because there is a limited frictional force (a force exerted by an object when an object moves across it) between

  • the canoe and
  • water surface (the opposite force/reaction)

Here, the paddle helps the boatman apply a force on the water, resulting in the opposite amount of force been sent back; pushing the boat forward.

Fossil fuel dependence is associated with _______.a. environmental consequences
b. economic consequences
c. development hindrances
d. all of the above


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "d. all of the above." Fossil fuel dependence is associated with environmental consequences, economic consequences, and development hindrances. 

Answer: d. all of the above

Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas are beneficial sources of energy used by the human society. Fossil fuels are non- renewable resources, which are produced after millions of years of geological and biological activity taking place inside the earth crust. Human society is mainly dependent upon the fossil fuels to maintain it's energy needs.

There are some negative consequences associated with fossil fuels:  

Environmental consequences: Fossil fuels are used for generation of energy in the power plants and by the automobiles. These sources releases partially and completely combusted products which includes the poisonous gases causing air and water pollution.

Economic consequences: Fossil fuel use is related with economic crisis because fossil fuels are non- renewable resources, which cannot be replenished once used. They are expensive and many commercial energy generation processes are dependent on them such as electricity, transportation and others.  

Development hindrances: Large dependence on fossil fuels creating an hindrance on development process. As, there are very few findings which are resulted which could replace the fossil fuels, these finding can be beneficial for the environmental and economic point of view.

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Both plants and solar panels provide renewable energy because their energy source will not be depleted throughout the human lifespans even if we continously used it ( unlike fossil energy that only have a really limited amount left)

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