What event in 1957 marked the beginning cold war in space?


Answer 1

The event that marked the beginning of the Cold War in the space, also called Space Race, was the launching of Sputnik I by the Soviet Union un 1957.

The space race was a competition between the United States and the Soviet Union that lasted approximately from 1957 to 1975. It involved the parallel effort of both countries to explore outer space with artificial satellites, to send humans into space and to pose a human being in Moon.

Although its roots lie in the early rocket technologies and international tensions that followed World War II, the space race actually began after the Soviet launch of Sputnik 1 on October 4, 1957.

Answer 2
Answer: The Soviet Union (known as modern-day Russia) launched the satellite Sputnik I.

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high tariffs between competing nations
the outsourcing of labor
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"High tariffs between competing nations" would not be a characteristic of globalization, since one idea of globalization is that trade and accessibility between nations is suppose to increase, not decrease. 

The correct answer is “high tariffs between competing nations”

Tariffs are a tax that is used by a country on other nation’s imported goods or services. This is used to protect the national industry because the other countries product is cheaper than the national one.

High tariffs create protectionism and shield’s national economy from a healthy foreign competition.

In a globalized world, nations have to lower trade barriers so products around the world are sold to all nations without any protections.

Some countries defend tariffs because they defend that labor rights and slave conditions may increase or decrease products values and this might harm prices in that nation.

Confucius lived during a. the Shang dynasty, when rival lords vied for power.
b. the Zhou dynasty, when rival lords vied for power.
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B. Zhou dynasty, when rival lords vied for power.

the answer is b i took the test

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The best answer to the question that is being presented above would be the GDP or Gross Domestic Product of the country. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is an effective means of measuring a nations economic health.


GDP is the most effective means of measuring a nations economy.


GDP is used to measure the health of the economy. GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product. It is sum of the value of all the goods and intangible stuff produced in an economy minus the effects of inflation. GDP per capita is a measure of the values of goods and services divided equally among every person of the country, Consumption takes the most part of the GDP. The GDP starts to slow down when the people are not increasing their productivity and lower productivity shows that the wages will not rise quickly. Low wages affect people's life.

who believed the best economic system was one in which businesses compete to gain profit with minnimal or no goverment control?


Answer:   Adam Smith

Scottish philosopher Adam Smith (1723-1790) was strongly critical of the economic system that prevailed in his era.  Smith criticized what he called the "mercantile system" because it restricted trade and thus restricted economic growth.  The mercantile system believed the wealth of the world was a fixed amount, measured primarily in gold and silver accumulated.  The system promoted a nation selling its products abroad but not needing to buy from others, or imposing heavy tariffs if importing anything.  Colonies were created to provide raw materials and resources to the mother country and a market for the mother country's products.  Commerce was heavily controlled by the government through charters granted to specific trading companies.

Adam Smith countered by advocating a free market -- the opportunity individual businessmen and for all nations to increase their wealth by exchanging goods freely with one another according to what would become known as capitalist principles.  We also speak of "laissez-faire" ("let go") as a term for this sort of free-market economy, set free from government controls.  This term came from a French group of thinkers called the Physiocrats (meaning "rule by nature') who were working during the same 18th century era as Smith. The Physiocrats and Smith were in agreement about getting government out of the business of controlling business.

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It basically was in everything they did. If there was a myth that the gods would hate you if you did something they would express their true feelings on it the best way they could... though the arts.

. What event occurred on Black Tuesday? (1 point)Unemployment reached nearly 25 percent.The Federal Reserve lowered interest rates.
Investors sold more than 16 million shares of stock.
Germany stopped reparation payments to the United States.


On Black Tuesday the event that happened was that the investors sold more than 16 million shares of stock. the correct option among all the options that have been already given in the question is the third option. It was the biggest stock market crash that the united States have seen in a single day. The date when this happened was 29th of October in the year 1929.

On Black Tuesday investors sold more than 16 million worth  shares.

Further Explanation:

Black Tuesday of October 29th, 1929 was the worst day for the Stock market of America. The day saw the highest recorded crash of Stock exchange in New York. The stock crash can also be marked as the initiation of the Great Depression that United States face on the same year. It was the worst economic depression that United States had ever faced. The depression not only shattered the American economy but also took many lives as it created the scarcity of food and money for the native citizens.

Because of the shattering result of the World War I all the nations were facing financial issues and the stock made it more devastating for the economy of The United States. Most of Europe and the USA were in the grasps of the Great Depression, leaving many jobless.

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Answer Details

Grade: High School

Subject: History

Chapter: Black Tuesday

Keywords: Black Tuesday, Stock market, Stock exchange, New York, Great Depression, economic depression, scarcity,World War I, United States,jobless.