Secondary colors come from mixing primary colors. The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. Yellow and blue make green, yellow and red make orange, and red and blue make purple. The secondary colors make a triangle on the color wheel and they are between the primary colors that make them.
Shake the bottle thoroughly.
First push down and then turn.
Take one pill now and two later.
Set the bottle down then rotate it.
First push down and then turn
The diagram, shows the actions symbolized by arrows, and the numbers by which the steps should be followed. So it shows, to push down on the cap, then turn/twist the cap.
The second one first push down then turn
They're both largely Buddest
The people look very similar
They're national food are both spicy versions of Chinese food
They're both tropical climates with palm trees, lowlands and hilly regions
They both have fairly similar looking style buildings, temples, hotels, shops and street stands with vendors, cars and taxi
You go further west though, it's more different. Mynanmar is more like Thailand than like India.
(courtesy of quora)
Step 1: Script
Step 2: Voice-Over Guide / Background Music
Step 3: Dividing the Slides
Step 4: Populate the Slides
Step 5: Timing
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An artwork is an elegant real item or artistic. Few art philosophers and authors have long made a characteristic among the physical characteristics of an art thing and its identity-status as an artwork. Periodization also affects the understanding of the public according to the character or characteristics that are utilized to group artworks.