Write a job advert to recruit a spy. what skills and experience would they need???


Answer 1
Answer: The following is required for the job of a spy: you will need to be sneaky lightfooted
and good info stealing skills. you need to be able to work your way into who your spying ons company, also get past lasers have good disguises, and be able to fight
Answer 2
Answer: They would probably need to have  a sneaky skill and police  experience

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How do you do ruff drafts


well first you start off with the ideas that you wont to base your story off of just start putting thoughts together in your head about whatever you your writing just put all your inner thoughts and examples on one sheet of paper and feed off of them when your writing your paper go back and revise for the final draft that your going to write , all there is to writing a draft is your ideas and inner thoughts you come up with.
 - Hope that this helps and have a BRaInLy DaY
a ruff draft is like the essay u will be writting but it has many mistakes that you will have to fix, or a partner has to fix(it depends what your teacher wants to do) then then with all the revised things you fix it up and your essay is done 
ps: am writting a ruff draft

In "The Gift of the Magi," why is Della crying at the start of the story? A.
She learns that Jim will now make $20 per week, not $30.

She finds out that Jim does not want her to buy him a gift.

She realizes that she has only managed to save less than $2.

She and Jim are being evicted from their apartment.


Hello women.. XD
I read this last year and if I am correct, your answer is A
My guess is C, Because they only have $1.87 and she isn't able to buy a Christmas present for Jim.

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Is the Space Needle in Seattle, Washington or Portland, Oregon?

Is the Space Needle in Seattle Washington, or Portland Oregon?

Is the Space Needle in Seattle Washington or Portland, Oregon?


B is the correct answer because when stating a state and city you put a comma between the two


I know this for a fact the space needle is in Seattle Washington I live in Bellingham Washington and have gone down to Seattle many times

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relating to water

Which two conclusions can you make about Scott based on the excerpt from Summer Experiences?Summer Experiences
(It is the first day of school. Mr. Harris, the teacher, is sitting on a stool in front of the class and asking students about their vacation.)

MR. HARRIS: So what all did you do? Scott, how did you spend your vacation?

(Scott smiles and sits up straight when his teacher calls on him.)

SCOTT: I had a lovely trip, Mr. Harris. My family and I went to Italy. We saw the Colosseum, the Trevi Fountain, and Vatican City. The place has such rich history and culture. And the food there was fantastic. The pizza and pasta there are so much better than what you get here.

MR. HARRIS: I’m glad you enjoyed it, Scott. Now, Jason, what about you? How did you spend the summer break?

(A shy and frail looking boy glances around nervously before turning his attention to the teacher. His clothes look old and worn. The students look at him with a bored expression.)

JASON: I went to live with my grandparents on their farm. (He looks around the class once again and notices Scott snickering.)

Scott is shy.
Scott likes adventure.
Scott is upset.
Scott feels superior to others.
Scott is respectful.



scott likes adventure, and scott is respectful


hope this helps


It’s B


If I am not wrong I am like 65%

30 pointsWhich sentence contains an adverb clause?

We could start a new puzzle on the folding table.

Have you ever played a card game by yourself?

All the board games are stacked in a closet in the den.

Yes, I would like to play a board game after I finish reading this chapter.


D is the answer to the question hoped it helped