7. This sport take place
on ice and you move
around on the ice


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is: ice skating
Answer 2

ice skating

it takes place on ice and you move around it

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West Minister Model, I do believe, as I doubt it was the magna carta. 

To vote a ______ ticket requires a knowledge of the qualifications of every candidate


Correct answer: SPLIT TICKET

A "split ticket" is when a person casts votes for candidates from different political parties for different positions up for election. For instance, the voter may support a presidential candidate who is a Republican but casts ballots for congressional candidates who are Democrats Voting a split ticket requires a knowledge of the qualifications of each candidate because you are voting according to each candidate's qualities and credentials, not just because of the political party backing the candidate.

The opposite of a "split ticket" is a "straight ticket" or "straight-party voting." This means a voter selects all candidates for all offices on the ballot according to the political party they represent. So, a solidly Republican voter might cast a straight ticket for all Republican candidates, or a committed Democrat might do straight-party voting for all Democrat candidates on the ballot. In this case, the voter is supporting a particular party's ideology, and thus siding with any and all candidates from that party.

I would argue that whether you vote split ticket or straight ticket, as a voter you really should know the qualifications of each candidate for whom you cast your ballot. If a candidate belongs to the political party that you generally support, does that mean you still support that candidate even if he or she has minimal qualifications to serve in the office they seek? Or if the candidate's record is marred by scandal or questionable performance?

A split ticket vote assumes you are judging each candidate on that candidate's individual merits. But even if voters opt for a straight ticket approach, knowledge about individual candidates' qualifications still matters.

To vote a split ticket requires a knowledge of the qualifications of every candidate.

The split-ticket voting necessitates knowledge of a candidate's qualifications as the voters shall choose according to the various positions that the candidates are contesting for. This is required when multiple candidates are required to be elected for multiple posts. Political loyalty assumes a secondary position to the actual qualifications of the candidates. During elections, there are different positions in which candidates of multiple parties can contest for different positions. for required to choose all candidates from the same party. For example, in the Presidential Elections, a voter gets to choose between a Republican and Democratic candidate, and it does not necessarily mean that a voter’s political affiliations have to Knowledge in their choice made.  


Further Explanation:

Knowledge of the credentials and accomplishments of the candidates makes it easier for the voters to make a fully informed choice on the basis of an assessment of whether the candidate possesses skills that shall be required to perform the duties and responsibilities of the position with which he is entrusted, the candidate. The concept of a split ticket is essential to have a heterogeneous representation in the Government, and all citizens get representation. However, a voter with a strong political affiliation will choose all candidates from a single political party, to ensure a clear majority. This shows that the voters have lined themselves along with the party ideology, and thus they use it as a primary parameter in choosing their representatives. However, in my opinion, voting through a straight ticket sometimes defeats the purpose of a conscious choice on the part of the voters. Therefore it is very important that even during voting through a straight ticket, a voter should be aware of all the necessary qualifications of the candidates.

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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: The U.S. Political System

Subject: Political Science


Voters, representation, candidates of different political parties, homogeneity, heterogeneous composition, party ideology.

Which presidential candidate in 1948 lost the votes of many southern Democrats for his support of civil rights but won the election anyway? A.Dwight Eisenhower
B.Thomas Dewey
C.Harry Truman
D.Franklin Roosevelt


Easy. Harry Truman. He actually defeated Dewey, came after Roosevelt, and preceded Eisenhower. He lost votes in the south because of Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond.


Harry truman


Classical civilization erected monumental sculpture, such as obelisks and stelae to do all the following except


 protect their cities from enemy invasion. I mean, how could mere pillars protect whole cities from enemies? I wouldn't say they were used for such protective purposes.

Answer: protect from invations

Explanation: apex

Which of the following best describes Roger B. Taney?


He was the fifth chief Justice of the Supreme Court

What Spanish and British actions showed that they did not take the new American nation seriously?


The primary thing that both of these nations did that showed they did not take the new American nation seriously was that they refused to give up land that was required of them in the treaty that was signed after the Revolution.