Which of the following Frenchmen would not be interested in settling in New France? fur traders noblemen priests fur trappers


Answer 1
Answer: okay, it's obvious. the noblemen because they are known as noble so they wouldn't be interested in that.
Answer 2
Answer: Noblemen would not be interested in settling in New France. They have already achieved noble status - no reason to leave.

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The Manhattan Project was a secret U.S. project to develop nuclear bombs. The correct option in respect to the given question is option "B". During the second World War, the Manhattan Project was a research and development project aimed towards making the first nuclear bomb. It had the support of two other countries and they were Canada and United Kingdom. This project had other dimension to it as well, like gathering information regarding the nuclear project of the Germans. Although the Manhattan project was initially very small, but later on it employed around 130000 people.

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mark twain called it the guilded age because: period was glittering on the surface but corrupt underneath


Why did adulis become such an important center of trade?


Good Morning!Adulis has become an important trading center due to its location on the Red Sea. In that place, it served as the basis for transactions, imports and exports, as well as for contact and cultural exchanges, across the Middle East and Africa, expanding as a viable path, also, to Asia.
 Hugs, Hope this helps. Let me know if you need additional help!


it was located on the Red Sea
