Which of these is less typical of odes than of other types of poetry? A-heavy reliance on rhythm and word sounds
B-language that creates a dignified tone or style
C-thoughtful reflection upon a person or an object
D-language directly addressing the subject of the work
*** please help


Answer 1


The one that is less typical of odes than of other types of poetry is a heavy reliance on rhythm and word sounds


The odes are a kind of poem that presents several characteristics, among the most common ones, are:

* Moderate length.

* Seriousness towards the object they are talking about.

* Elevated style in word choice and stanza pattern.

* Made to praise something or someone.

After taking these characteristics into consideration the only option that is not very common is the reliance on rhythm and word sounds.

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b. folly.
c. comedy.
d. history.


ANSWER: a. tragedy.

EXPLANATION: Many of William Shakespeare's writings were tragedies. His romantic writings were released at a later stage in his career and was either classified as a tragedy or a comedy. Titus Andronicus, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Troilus and Cressida, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Timon of Athens, Antony and Cleopatra are few of the tragedy plays of Shakespeare.

In my view it's a. tragedy. Shakespearean tragedy is the most famous drama classification. At first we have a protagonist. Then he fails something. And finally we can see fatal aftermath of all his mistakes.

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D.small words or A. Articles

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a comment using relevant examples whether it reflects Article 16 of south Africa's Bill of Right.Eplain brief ly what this article entail and comment whether our media reflect s it when reporting


Freedom of expressionSection 16 contains detailed provisions with regard to freedom of expression, stating “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, which includes freedom of the press and other media; freedom to receive or impart information or ideas; freedom of artistic creativity; and academic freedom and freedom of scientific research.”
Section 16 contains the following limitations to freedom of expression “The right in subsection (1) does not extend to propaganda for war; incitement of imminent violence; or advocacy of hatred that is based on race, ethnicity, gender or religion, and that constitutes incitement to cause harm.”

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Answer: A sentence with two or more main clauses and one or more subordinate clauses is a compound-complex sentence.

Explanation: A compound-complex sentence is a long sentence that joins  two types of sentence: compound sentences and complex sentences. In that way, a compound-complex sentence includes two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. Independent clauses, which can stand alone as complete sentences, are joined by means of a coordinating conjunction, while dependent clauses, which do not express full ideas, are introduced by a subordinating conjunction. One example of compound-complex sentence is "Although we left the house early, we could not arrive to the concert in time, and we had to return home".

A sentence that has two or more main clauses and one or more subordinate clauses is called a compound-complex sentence. For example, Jessie reads novels, and Lucas reads poetry, but Gordon reads magazines because novels and poetry are difficult to comprehend. "Jessie reads novels", "Lucas reads poetry", and "Gordon reads magazines" are the independent clauses, while "because novels and poetry are difficult to comprehend" is the dependent clause.