For which of the following strategic reasons did the United States acquire the Midway Islands? (3 points) to spread Christian and democratic ideals to the citizens living in the South Pacific to build naval protection against rivals as the United States increased trade with Asia and Latin America to increase overseas trade to keep the country's economy strong following a severe depression to slow the spread of Asian countries’ influence in the Pacific Islands please help I don't know the answer I will try and guess but please help THANKS


Answer 1

During World War II and the Cold War, the United States establishes multiple military bases to build naval protection against rivals as the United States increased trade with Asia and Latin America. A curious example is the Easter Island, which was a U.S. military base and offered protection to the locals but was completely unknown to the Soviet union. Strategic location and commerce treaties helped the U.S. to be supplied with raw material from Asia and Latin America.

Answer 2
Answer: To build naval protection against rivals as the United States increased trade with Asia and Latin America.

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The Pilgrims who abandoned the Church of England and fled to Holland were a group of Separatists seeking religious freedom. In Holland, they initially found a more tolerant atmosphere, but they faced challenges related to cultural differences and economic hardships. Eventually, they decided to seek a more permanent solution and set their sights on the New World.

In 1620, a group of Pilgrims, known as the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony, boarded the Mayflower and sailed across the Atlantic. They arrived in what is now Massachusetts, and in December 1620, they established the Plymouth Colony. The Mayflower Compact, a document signed by the adult male passengers, served as a social contract for self-governance in the new colony.

The establishment of Plymouth Colony is considered a significant event in American history, as it represents one of the earliest instances of European settlers seeking religious freedom in the New World. The Pilgrims' experience laid the foundation for the principles of self-government and religious tolerance that would later become fundamental to the development of the United States.

Final answer:

The Pilgrims who fled the Church of England established the Plymouth Colony in New England in 1620. They created the Mayflower Compact, emphasizing communal living for their Christian faith. This set the stage for future Puritan colonies, such as the Massachusetts Bay Colony.


The Pilgrims who abandoned the Church of England and fled to Holland later moved to North America to establish a settlement free of the perceived corruption of their homeland's church. Known for their strong belief in separating from the Church of England, these Puritans, led by William Bradford, arrived in North America in 1620 and established what is now known as Plymouth Colony in New England. They drafted the Mayflower Compact, a document outlining their commitment to live cooperatively for the advancement of their Christian faith. Furthermore, the Pilgrims' establishment of Plymouth paved the way for further Puritan settlements, most notably the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the 1630s. The values they upheld and the communities they formed played a significant role in the early history of what would become the United States.

Learn more about Pilgrims here:


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