What differentiates the isotopes of an element?


Answer 1
Answer: An isotope will have the same number of protons and electrons as the element on the periodic table, but it will have a different number of neutrons, so the atomic mass will change. Different isotopes of the same element have different numbers of neutrons, so they all have different masses

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Suppose you have two cubes of exactly the same volume. You weigh them and find a mass of 8.91g for one and 8.88g for the other cube even though they are made of the same material. How is this possible? ANSWER FAST



Mass of the cube -1 = 8.91 g

Mass of  the cube-2 = 8.88 g

Volume of the cube-1 = Volume of cube-2 = V

Density of the cube-1 = D

Density of cube-2 = D'


D=(8.91 g)/(V)

D'=(8.88 g)/(V)

(D)/(D')=((8.91 g)/(V))/((8.88 g)/(V))=1.0033

D=1.0033* D'

Density directly depends upon mass of the substance and inversely depends upon volume of the substance.

Here volume of the both cubes are same but masses are different. So, in this case densities of both cubes can be compared on the basis of masses.

This difference in densities of same material can be due following possibles:

1. May be an impurity present in the one of the cubes for which they have given different values their mass.

2. Weighing may not be working well.

3. May be an air trapped inside in one of the cubes.

The two substances have different densities. Density can be affected by the temperature of a substance. Since they have to same volume but weigh differently, they have different densities. Remember, density = mass/volume

What is electron configuration of sulfer?


Sulfur has 16 protons and 16 electrons.
The electronic configuration of Sulfur is:
2, 8, 6        =          16 

An atom of oxygen is in an excited state. When an electron in this atom moves from the third shell to the second shell, energy is(1) emitted by the nucleus
(2) emitted by the electron
(3) absorbed by the nucleus
(4) absorbed by the electron


An atom of oxygen is in an excited state. When an electron in this atom moves from the third shell to the second shell, energy is emitted by the electron. Hence, option B is correct.

What is an atom?

 The smallest piece of stuff that still retains its characteristics is an atom. A gold atom, for instance, is the smallest piece of that element that will still retain all of gold's properties and behaviors. When an atom is disassembled into its component parts, the subatomic particles found inside each have special characteristics that are not at all similar to those of the element the atom represents. Protons, neutrons, and electrons are the three different subatomic particle kinds.

The electron that transitioned from a higher to a lower level felt the change in energy level. Since the nucleus is unaffected, its energy levels are unaffected as well. Since it requires more energy to keep an electron at a higher energy level than a lower one, the shift in energy levels indicates that the electron released some energy.

To get more information about Atom :



The change in energy level was experienced by the electron that moved from a higher to a lower level. This does not affect the nucleus, so the nucleus itself does not change energy levels. It takes more energy to hold an electron at a higher than a lower energy level, so the change in energy levels means that some energy was released by the electron, and this is choice (2).

A substance that does not conduct electricity as a solid but does conduct electricity when melted is most likely classified as(1) an ionic compound
(2) a molecular compound
(3) a metal
(4) a nonmetal


Answer: Option (1) is the correct answer.


An ionic compound is the compound which is composed of oppositely charged ions.

When an ionic compound is in a solid state, then oppositely charged ions are held together by strong electrostatic force of attraction. To break is force of attraction, high energy is required. That is why, ionic compounds do not conduct electricity as a solid.

Whereas in melted state, the ions are less tightly held and as a result they can move easily  from one place to another. Also in melted state, ionic compounds act as strong electrolyte. Hence, they are able to conduct electricity.

On the other hand, molecular compounds are poor conductors of electricity and non-metals do not conduct electricity. Whereas a metal is a good conductor of electricity even in its solid state.

Thus, we can conclude that a substance that does not conduct electricity as a solid but does conduct electricity when melted is most likely classified as an ionic compound.

Ionic compunds are able to conduct electricity when molten/in solution, but not when they are solid

Elements from which two families would most likely combine with each other to create salts?


Also could be an alkali metal (such as Na) and a halogen (such as Cl)
Metals and non metals

A yellow luminous flame is produced when an insufficient amount of oxygen is supplied. This flame should not be used when heating because it will coat glassware with black soot. What element is this made from? Answer with the correct elemental symbol. It will be case sensitive.


Soot is created when burning happens incompletely, because there was an insufficient amount of oxygen supplied. As soot is made from carbon particles, the chemical symbol will be C, for carbon.