What does it mean to be as ugly as sin?a. very stubborn and obstinate
b. very ugly and unpleasant to look at
c. very slippery
d. very dishonest


Answer 1
Answer: b. very ugly and unpleasant to look at
Answer 2

Answer: B; very ugly and unpleasant to look at

Explanation: Ugly is the word meaning of unsightly, grotesque, or just plainly unpleasant.

Hope this helps <3


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Which of the following is the best inference?

Leviathan was a member of Captain Nemo's crew. a. True
b. False My answer: True 2. Select all that apply. The Black River is: _____.
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b. one of the five Gulf Stream currents
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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "TRUE." 

The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "b. one of the five Gulf Stream currents." The Black River is b. one of the five Gulf Stream currents


  1. The answer is FALSE!!! The leviathan is a sea monster in the book Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
  2. One of the five Gulf Stream currents and The course followed by the Nautilus as it began its voyage with Aronnax, Land, and Conseil

Hope this helps!!

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The best synonym for secular is


The word secular means it indicates activities or practices and attitudes that do not involve or relate any religious affairs or do not have any religious basis. So the best synonym for the word secular is NONRELIGIOUS. Other synonyms for the word secular includes: earthly and worldly.

The best synonym for secular is non-religious.

What is the best synonym?

The best synonym for the word secular is non-religious. A secular affair is an affair that deals with worldly matters. On the other hand, religious affairs are meant to deal with spiritual matters. So, these words are contrasting to each other.

For instance, if we make a statement like this; The girl enjoys secular music, then that would mean that the girl prefers music that is not linked to religion. So, if an activity is described as secular, this also means that such activity is of a non-religious type.

Learn more about secular activities here:


What is weakness and strength as a writer


a weakness is what you need to progress on and a strength is something you are good at

1. The pitcher, cradling the baseball in his mitt, sized up the young batter at the plate. Which of the following statements about the sentence is true? a. The sentence needs commas because the participial phrase is essential. b, The sentence needs commas because the participial phrase is nonessential. c. The commas should be removed because the participial phrase is essential. d. The commas should be removed because the participial phrase is nonessential


The statement about the sentence that is true is B. the sentence needs commas because the participial phrase is nonsessential. Nonessential phrases, unlike essential ones, are not that important in a sentence, and can thus be easily removed without changing the meaning of the sentence drastically. They are always set off from the rest of the sentence by commas, whereas essential phrases don't have commas around them. Here, the nonessential phrase is cradling the baseball in his mitt.

The answer to your question would be that the statement about the sentence that is true is the following one: The sentence needs commas because the partipial phrase is nonessential. That is, the correct option would be B.

Participial phrases can either be essential or nonessential depending on the type of information they add to the sentence. A participial phrase is essential when the information it provides is essential to the meaning of the sentence and therefore no commas are used. If the essential participial phrase was removed, the meaning of the sentence would be altered. On the other hand, participial phrases are nonessential when they provide nonessential information to the sentence. They are set off with commas and can be removed from the sentence without altering its meaning.

The story of the Trickster Coyote and his companion Fox was still fresh in Manuel’s mind. Fox was the only one who was ever able to outsmart the Coyote, and the thought filled Manuel with respect. He knew that the Trickster and the company he kept were not friends of the people; on the other hand, if one encountered any malevolent forces, he should do his best to appease them—that was simple common sense. 7 “Here, Mr. Fox,” Manuel said. “Are you hungry?” 8 The fox wagged his tail and crept closer, the black rubbery lips curled to show his white teeth. 9 Manuel took his satchel off his shoulder, and felt inside. Uncle Tobi never sent him home without a snack for the road, and Manuel took out a half-eaten SPAM sandwich. “You want this?” he said to the fox. 10 The fox approached, in cautious mincing steps, and its white teeth snatched the sandwich from Manuel’s fingers. The fox ate as if he was completely famished—the sandwich was gone before it even touched the ground, and the fox licked his face with a small, red tongue. 11 Manuel laughed. “You want some more, don’t you?” he said. “I know it’s tough being a fox these days. Hardly any livestock around, and all the people going to and fro. It’s war, you see.” He looked for more food as he spoke, and the fox’s eyes never strayed from the satchel decorated with white and black glass beads. Based on how Manuel responds to events in paragraphs 6 and 7, the reader can conclude that a possible theme is fill in the blank_____ Answer choices for the above question A. people should appreciate good literature. B. people should be wary of wild animals. C. people should treat creatures with kindness. D. people should remember the morals from folktales.
Based on the interactions between characters in paragraphs 9–11, the reader can conclude that a possible theme is fill in the blank___ Answer choices for the above question A. generosity can cost you more than you’re willing to give. B. times of crisis can bring out the best in people. C. life in the desert can be very difficult D. pets can bring people great joy


Manuel was tempted by his uncle Tobi to skip the morning Mass and spend the night at the reservation. The Pueblo's devotion to the Spaniards and their church, which he found abhorrent, was always the target of his satirical remarks.

What is the thought filled Manuel with respect?

Manuel did not consider his mother to be unkind because, last year, when Uncle Tobi returned from Germany, she showed kindness to him.

The reason she was upset right now, according to Manuel's estimation, was that unlike his father, who was killed in the war, uncle Tobi merely had leg injuries.

Manuel stopped walking after spotting footsteps in the sand, even though he was desperate to get home before it got dark. He initially believed the tracks to be those of a coyote, but they were far too little.

Therefore, As long as he did not veer off his course, Manuel decided to follow them because they led in the same general direction as the Pueblo.

Learn more about Manuel's here




question 1 is C. Question 2 Is B


Just got a 100 on the assignment