B. Homo erectus
C. Homo sapiens
D. paranthropus boisei
C. Homo sapiens
The correct answer is "more."
When workers earn high wages, they can exchange this extra money for more goods and services., which they will do provided that they have confidence in the economy.
One of the good things about a stable economy is that it generates income for everybody. If employers are able to pay more to their employees is because they are selling more products and services. This people trust the economy and are spending their money. When companies pay more and the workers earn high wages, they can spend extra money on other goods and services of other companies, helping the national economy.
B: relocation; mail
C: capture; force
D:migration; diffusion
Option D.
With the migration of people from fertile areas, knowledge of agriculture spread by diffusion. The term migration is defined as the movement of people from their original area to a new one for living purposes. Diffusion is defined as the act of spreading something in a wider spectrum. In summary, the phrase means that when people who historically lived in rural fertile areas moved to different places, they started to spread around their knowledge of agriculture.
b. self-control
c. pity
d. anger
The correct answer is B. Self-control
Stoicism was a philosophy shcool that emerged in Athens during the 3rd century BC founded by Zeno of Citium a Hellenistic philosopher. Stoicism stablished different principles to achieve human happiness among which it is stated happiness is found by not letting oneself be controled by the fear to pain or the desire for pleasure especially find in external things. This implies stoics believed virtue was necessary and that virtue emerge from the control of one self. This implies the Roman philosophy of stoicism promoted self-control to avoid being control by pleasure or pain.