The mixed number equivalent of 18/5 is 3 3/5.
To convert the fraction 18/5 into a mixed number, you can divide the numerator 18 by the denominator 5.
The quotient will become the whole number part of the mixed number, and the remainder will become the numerator of the fraction part. Here's the process:
18/5 = 3 3/5
The remainder becomes the numerator of the fraction part, which is 3.
The denominator of the fraction part remains the same, which is 5.
Therefore, the mixed number equivalent of 18/5 is 3 3/5.
Learn more mixed and improper fraction here:
3.744 kilograms
Step-by-step explanation:
78 grams times 48= 3.744 kilograms
3,666 grams
Step-by-step explanation:
47 candies × 78 grams each candy