Which employees pay provisional tax, site and paye tax?


Answer 1
Answer: all employees pay all 3 types of tax however there are some employees that don't pay payee because they are earning minimum wage

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vehicle option source effect


Vehicle option source effect -

In this case , advertising about any good or commodity by using different platforms like online , offline , television , radio etc. , may tend to impact the mind of the consumer differently , which may hamper or confuse their decision to purchase the product . This practice is known as vehicle option source effect .

Hence , selecting the correct and proper method to advertise is very important to the sale of the goods and services .  

Who or what determines a country's GDP?


the answer is "all of the resources of production together produce the GDP"
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The _____ adds up the market prices of final goods and services to calculate Gross Domestic Product (GDP).


The Expenditure Approach adds up the market prices of final goods and services to calculate Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

The Expenditure Approach includes consumption expenditures, investments expenditures, government expenditures and net exports.

The Expenditure Approach is one of the 3 ways to measure economic production. The other 2 are The Production Approach and The Income Approach.

Answer: its actually product approach.

Explanation:The product approach adds up the final goods and services, using their market prices.  

It is possible to use a decision making process for any decision.


I think so, but there may be some exceptions--if any.

Who typically implements strategy in large, multi-industry corporations?a. The board of directorsb. Top managementc. Middle managementd. First level management E. Everyone in the organization


Its the board of directors that is responsible to implement strategy in large, multi-industry corporations. Though sometimes everyone in the company can give their ideas as well. But basically its the job of the board of directors.

Accounting professionals can perform various services that provide assurance about the and of information given by one party to another.True / False.



It is true


Chartered Accountants most especially external auditors are trained to provide assurance services that will give credit and reliability to the financial information being presented to the users by the directors.

Their services include statutory audit and other related assurance services.

The report produced by a Chartered Accountant (e.g External Auditor) gives reasonable assurance to the shareholders of the company or any other external users.