Conservative Party
The Republican party has an ideology that is based on American conservatism. An ideology that incorporates both economic policies and social values, it supports lower taxes, free market capitalism, restrictions on immigration, increased military spending, gun rights, restrictions on abortion, deregulation and restrictions on labor unions.
The Republican party was founded in 1854 by opponents of the Kansas–Nebraska Act, with Abraham Lincoln being their first president.
b. subject
c. object of a preposition
d. direct object
"I too may try, and if this arm can wing
The feather’d arrow through the destined ring,
Then if no happier night the conquest boast,
I shall not sorrow for a mother lost;
But, bless’d in her, possess those arms alone,
Heir of my father’s strength, as well as throne."
He spoke; then rising, his broad sword unbound,
And cast his purple garment on the ground.
A trench he open'd: in a line he placed.
The level axes, and the points made fast
(His perfect skill the wondering gazers eyed,
The game as yet unseen, as yet untried).
Then, with a manly pace, he took his stand:
And grasp'd the bow, and twang'd it in his hand.
Three times, with beating heart, he made essay:
Three times, unequal to the task, gave way;
A modest boldness on his cheek appear'd:
And thrice he hoped, and thrice again he fear'd.
first person
just did it
TPR: The theme that ordinary characters can make extraordinary differences is illustrated in at least two episodes in The Hobbit because Bilbo repeatedly surprises both himself and the dwarves with his actions.
Introduction/background: About 100 pages into the novel, after wandering forever through a dark forest, Bilbo and the dwarves encounter ferocious spiders who have already dragged off the dwarves and one really ugly spider tries to attack Bilbo too.
Proof: However, Bilbo proves he can do great things. For example, even though he is partially wrapped in webbing, “Bilbo came at it before it could disappear and struck it with his sword right in the eyes” (109). Bilbo continues to defeat the spider and saves the dwarves.
Analysis: This shows how brave a little hobbit can be when he is pushed to his limits.
Introduction/background: Just a little later on in the story, the dwarves are captured by the Elves and Bilbo comes up with a plan for them to escape inside of barrels. As usual, the dwarves don’t believe in the hobbit.
Proof: For example, the dwarves all grumble, “We thought you had got some sensible notion, when you managed to get hold of the keys. This is a mad idea!”(124). However, Bilbo does convince the dwarves to try his plan and sure enough,they manage to escape.
B. checks and balances.
C. popular sovereignty.
D. basic rights.
B. Checks and Balances.
The system of Checks and Balances is the system whereby all three branches of the government (the Legislative, Executive, Judicial) has the control or power to oversee, limit and check each other's powers.
Through this principle each branch can respond to the action of the other, for example, the Legislative branch has the power to create and pass a bill, however, before the bill can become a law, it first has to be sent to the President for signature. If the President vetoes the law, the Congress then has the power to override the Presidential veto if 2/3 of the Congressmen vote in favor.