There are many examples of justice in Hammurabi’s family laws. The first is in Law 148, (Document C); it states “If a man has married a wife and a disease has seized her, if he is determined to marry a second wife, he shall marry her. He shall not divorce the wife whom the disease has seized. She shall dwell in the house they have built together, and he shall maintain her as long as she lives.” Hammurabi provides plentiful evidence of his promise of protecting the weak against the strong. Such as the husband must take in and care for his first wife when she is ailing and needs him the most. Another example of justice in Hammurabi’s code can be seen in Law 195, (Document C); it says, “If a son has struck his father, his hands shall be cut off.” One minute the son could be hitting his dad; next he could be trying to overthrow the king. The harsh punishment is fair if you look at the big picture. The society needed to teach the youth to have respect and self-discipline to their elders or else the whole kingdom could come crashing down.
Reasons: The Females will be safe at home ( in many countries if woman get pregent they wouldn't be safe at home).
They might not be able to take care of their kid or give them the best life.
Mental or physical disabilities
As for agurments I'm not sure, but I gave some reasons you could use if you want.
I dont think that because a baby might have disabilities gives us the right to kill them. People with disabilities have been the some of the most happy people i have ever met. They don't let their disabilities get the best of them and so they just live and enjoy their lives. Its not fair to us to make a decision so permanent. Babies never chose to be conciceved, it is our own fault. If you are going to have an abortion anyways then don't get pregnant in the first place. Use birth control and things like that, don't end an innocent life because of your decicions.
Is there more to this question?
A. up
B. worms
C. surface
D. vibration