You wash dishes for a chemistry laboratory to make extra money for laundry. You earn 12 dollars/hour, and each shift lasts 75 minutes. Your laundry requires 12 quarters/load. How many loads of laundry will each shift pay for if the cost per load rises to 16 quarters?


Answer 1
Answer: You calculate the amount of loads of laundry as follows:

((6 x 0.25)/ load) x 10 loads = 15.00 total cost required for laundry 

(6.00 / 60 min) x (75 min/shift) = 7.50 cost / shift 

15.00 / (7.50 / shift) = 2 loads of  laundry

Hope this answers the question.
Answer 2

Each shift worked can pay for 3.75 loads of laundry if each load costs 16 quarters.

Further Explanation

This problem can be solved using simple dimensional analysis. The steps are:

  1. Sort the given. Identify the conversion factors or equalities that may be used. Identify what is required.
  2. Set up the dimensional analysis ensuring that units cancel out until only the desired unit is left. The equalities in the problem may be used as conversion factors.

STEP 1: Sort first the given in the problem to identify possible conversion factors to be used in the dimensional analysis.

The following equalities are given in the problem:

  • 1 shift = 75 minutes
  • 12 dollars = 1 hour
  • 1 load = 16 quarters
  • 1 dollar = 4 quarters

STEP 2: From these equalities, the following dimensional analysis can be set up:

no. \ of \ load \ = 1 \ shift * (75 \ min)/(1 \ shift) * {(1 \ hr)/(60 \ min) * (12 \ dollars)/(1 \ hr) * { (4 \ quarters)/(1 \ dollar) * (1 \ load)/(16 \ quarters)

no. \ of \ load \ = 3.75 \ load

Therefore, one shift can pay for 3.75 loads of laundry.


Keywords: dimensional analysis, problem solving

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it's simple.
the number of protons in an atom never changes. And also, the no of protons is its atomic number.if you look up the periodic table, you will find a number on the top - left corner of each of the boxes. This is the atomic number.No 2 same elements on the periodic table have the same atomic number. So, all you have to do is search for a box that has the number 13 on it.

and by the way ... the element which you're searching for is Aluminium

Of the following reactions, which one produces oxygen gas?Fermentation
Anaerobic respiration
Aerobic respiration



The correct option is: D. Photosynthesis


Photosynthesis is a biological process in green plants by which food such as sugar (like glucose C₆H₁₂O₆), is synthesized from water (H₂O) and carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the atmosphere, in the presence of light energy. This process produces oxygen gas (O₂) as a by-product.

This reaction converts the light energy from the sun to chemical energy.

The reaction involved is: 6 CO₂ (g) + 6 H₂O + light → C₆H₁₂O₆ (s) + 6 O₂ (g)

Photosynthesis is the only process among the given options, that produces oxygen gas.

the answer is photosynthesis

A certain reaction is exothermic in the forward direction and has fewer molecules of gas on the product side. Which set of actions should be used to increase the yield of the products? Decrease the temperature and decrease the pressure. Increase the temperature and decrease the pressure. Decrease the temperature and increase the pressure. Increase the temperature and increase the pressure.


Answer: Option (c) is the correct answer.


According to Le Chatelier's principle,  when a system is in equilibrium for a long time then it will change its concentration, temperature, volume or pressure to attain a new equilibrium that partly counteracts the applied change.

Since it is given that reaction is exothermic therefore, according to Le Chatelier's principle increase in temperature will be opposed so that reaction can proceed in the forward direction. Therefore, temperature has to be decreased to carry the reaction in forward direction.

Whereas pressure has to be increased so that reaction will shift to the forward side where there are less number of molecules.

Thus, we can conclude that to increase the yield of the products for the given reaction decrease the temperature and increase the pressure.

Compare the arrangements of individual particles in solids, liquids, and gases


In a gas, the particles are evenly spaced out and not in any particular order. There is no regular arrangement of liquid next to one another. Solids are regularly arranged and closely packed.

What are solids, liquids, and gases?

They can be compressed a lot (particles are widely spaced). Matter exists in three different states: solid, liquid, and gas.

By examining the configuration of their particles, it is possible to understand why they have various qualities.

A solid is a condition of matter that, even when unconstrained, keeps its shape and density.

A liquid is a nearly incompressible fluid with a (almost) constant volume regardless of pressure that adapts to the shape of its container.

A sample of matter that assumes the shape of the container it is stored in and develops a consistent density inside the container is referred to as a gas.

Therefore, the arrangements of individual particles in solids, liquids, and gases is different.

Learn more about solids, liquids, and gases here:


Solids - particles are very close together (highest density on the list)
Liquids - the particles slide past one another
Gases - particles bounce off of surroundings and the same particles of the gas

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Talking about ions, a cation has a positive charge. That means a positive charge is gained by an atom that gives out electrons. 

A gas absorbs 3.4 kJ of heat and does 1.9 kJ of work. Calculate ΔE



Answer is given below:


Given Data:

heat = 3.4kJ

work done is = 1.9 kJ

To Find:



ΔE = q + w


ΔE = q + w

ΔE = 3.4 kJ + 1.9kJ

ΔE =  5.3 kJ