Why was the Exodus a key event for the Hebrews?A. It showed them they should not leave Egypt.
B. It showed that the Egyptians were more powerful then they were.
C. It showed them that their god could save a whole nation.


Answer 1
Answer: hmmmm i go with c. the book of Exodus is about The Children Of Israel leaving Egypt God send ten plagues to Egypt, and the Egyption Gods didn't help them cause they are not real the Egyptions couldn't do anything and everytime they tried God would protect his people, so that's why i guess it's c

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B. The banking industry extended credit only to rich Americans who they knew would pay them
C. The banking industry adopted policies that made it more difficult to purchase a house, which
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D. The banking industry made it easier to borrow money, leading to an increased demand for cars
and other high-priced goods.



The correct response is Option D.  The banking industry made it easier to borrow money, leading to an increased demand for cars  and other high-priced goods.


There are a number of factors that led to the economic boom in the 1920s. There was a sharp increase in consumerism and the purchase of consumer goods, which also had a twofold impact. There was more demand for companies to make more products, and they needed more workers to be able to make the products and to meet demand, so this brought economic growth. It also became easier for people to borrow money or to purchase big-ticket items on credit, and this led to an overextension of credit because people were buying stocks with borrowed money and engaged in speculation buying, for example. This helps to explain the devastating stock market crash in 1929.




did the quiz

What is imperialism​



Imperialism is a policy when a large and/or powerful empire or a nation seeks to extend control over weaker counties that have important resources to them. This control is usually gained by military force.

Why was Malcolm X significant





He heavily paved the way for future civil rights activists and broke racial and cultural barriers in a time of heavy racism.

By controlling trade, three great kingdoms developed in West Africa. These were the kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and ______. Fill in the blank.


Ghana, Mali and Songhay . 

Place a checkmark next to each true statement about the colonists' reactions to British taxation:1)A group of colonists dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston
2)Colonists hired Native Americans to attack British tax collectors.
3)Colonists voted to elect new representatives to Parliament.
4)Groups of colonists formed militias.
5)Groups of colonists voted to replace the King of England with a
democratically-elected President
6)Groups of colonists protested the taxes.


Final answer:

Colonists' reactions to British taxation included the Boston Tea Party, formation of militias, and protests.


True statements about the colonists' reactions to British taxation include:

  1. A group of colonists dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor. This event, known as the Boston Tea Party, was a protest against the Tea Act and British taxation.
  2. Groups of colonists formed militias. These militias, such as the Sons of Liberty, were established to protect their rights and oppose British authority.
  3. Groups of colonists protested the taxes. Colonists organized various forms of protest, including boycotts, petitions, and demonstrations, to express their opposition to British taxation.

Learn more about Colonists' reactions to British taxation here:




1 4 6




That looks like General Pierre (I don't know his full name) who is often known as being a Confederate General. 

He was born somewhere south around Louisiana and went to West point and became an engineer. He first went in the history books by serving under General Whitfield  in the Mexican war as of course, an engineer. He rose up in the ranks and became chief engineer. He then worked at West point and also an engineer for a railroad and eventually help drain parts of swamps in Louisiana.

But he later became a General in the Civil war.

Note: This is really the best I can do since I don't know too much about him.