The answer is "the opposite of allowing it to grow"
the opposite of allowing it to grow.
this is bec ause i am taking the quiz right now lol and i got it correct.
Answer: I believe it’s “shining with all his might”
shining with all his might
looks right
number 4 the last one
Sorry For posting this as a question but was that right?
1.PART A: Which statement identifies the central theme of the poem?
Young love is the most powerful form of love.
Life is about making sacrifices for the greater good.
While life is fleeting, art has the ability to live on. T
he simple pleasures of life are the most important.
2.PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A?
What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape? / What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy?” (Lines 9-10)
“Who are these coming to the sacrifice? / To what green altar, O mysterious priest” (Lines 31-32)
“Of marble men and maidens overwrought, / With forest branches and the trodden weed” (Lines 42-43)
“When old age shall this generation waste, / Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe” (Lines 46-47)
1. While life is fleeting, art has the ability to live on.
2. “When old age shall this generation waste, / Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe” (Lines 46-47)
The ode written by John Keats "Ode on a Grecian Urn" is a Horatian ode that the author used to present the theme of art as permanent in contrast to the temporary nature of human life. In this poem, the author talks about a "Grecian urn" that has a picture depicting man's daily life.
In the poem, Keats proclaims how art, as depicted in the urn, can be permanent and not fade like the love, life, and pleasures of humanity. He presents that while art has the ability to live on even after the death of a person, the "life" of man will pass with time. This claim can be best supported by the lines "When old age shall this generation waste, / Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe", suggesting that after old age destroys a man's life, the art on the urn will remain immortal, never affected by aging or time.
in many countries around the world. The marimba is a percussion instrument, a type of xylophone nearly ten feet long. The forerunner of the modern marimba comes from Guatemala. The instrument, however, is even older in its origins, which are thought to be Mayan.
The marimba consists of a set of wooden keys or bars that are hit with two or more mallets to make musical sounds. Some pieces of music require the use of up to six mallets. The instrument slightly resembles a piano, but the musician plays the marimba standing up instead of sitting down.
The marimba is not
because of its wooden bars. Instead, resonators, the metal tubes that hang beneath each bar, are what make the marimba unique. They are made in different lengths and produce different sounds and tones. Some resonators are made of aluminum, but brass is preferred. Resonators were originally made of hollowed-out gourds. The mallets also make a great difference in the quality of the sound. Softer mallets are used for the low
. Harder mallets are used for the high notes.
It takes a great
of skill to handle multiple mallets, two or three in each hand. Some musicians have developed special grips to help them control the mallets as they play. One of these, the Stevens method, uses four mallets, two in each hand. The grip involves holding one of the mallets with the ring and pinky fingers while the other is controlled between the thumb and the middle finger.
1. What can the reader infer from this article?
The marimba is a member of the strings section of the orchestra.
The mallets used to play the marimba are usually made of brass.
A musician needs quick hands to be a good marimba player.
Playing the marimba requires a minimum of two musicians.
D. A musician needs quick hands to be a good marimba player.