What type of bond is formed between cobalt and sulfur? (covalent or ionic?)


Answer 1
Answer: Must be ionic I guess. What is the compound you wanna know? you better write a formula.

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Which state of matter exists at the extremely high temperatures found on stars?


Long before when there were still 3 known states of matter to man which were the solid, the liquid, and the gas, the state of matter that existed at the extremely high temperatures found on stars is the gas state. After some time and with the help of scientific aid in this endeavor, a new state of matter was added to the original list which is the plasma. Plasma is like gas since it doesn't have any definite shape or volume. The thing is that its electrons are stripped off from their positions and form a sea of it making the matter conducive to electricity.

6. when multiplying and dividing measured quantities, the number of significant figures in the result should be equal to the number significant figures in___. a) all of the measurements b) at least and most precise measurements c) the most precise measurement d) the least precise measurement


The correct option is D.

Significant figure refers to the number of digits that are used to report a measured quantity. The amount of a significant number in a measurement always equal to the number of digits that are known with some degree of confidence and the last number, which is usually an estimate. When carrying out calculations with significant figures measurements, one must be careful to report the number of significant figure to reflect the least precise measurement.

The least precise measurement.

When figuring out how many significant figures to go to, you always use the least amount of sig figs in the question so the least sig figs means the least precise.

What is the ∆G for the following reaction under standard conditions (T = 298 K) for the formation of NH4NO3(s)? 2NH3(g) + 2O2(g) NH4NO3(s) + H2O(l)Given:
NH4NO3(s): ∆Hf = -365.56 kJ ∆Sf = 151.08 J/K.
NH3(g): ∆Hf = -46.11 kJ ∆Sf = 192.45 J/K.
H2O(l): ∆Hf = -285.830 kJ ∆Sf = 69.91 J/K.
O2(g): ∆Hf = 0.00 kJ ∆Sf = 205 J/K.


∆G =  ∆H - T∆S

∆G = -46.11x10^3 - (298)(192.45) = -103460.1 J
∆G = 0 - (298)(205) = -61090 J
∆G = -365.56x10^3 - (298)(151.08) = -410581.84 J
∆G = -285.830x10^3 - (298)69.91) = -306663.18 J

∆Grex = ∆Gproducts - ∆Greactants
∆Grex = (-410581.84 +  -306663.18) - (-103460.1/2 + -61090/2)
∆Grex =-634969.97 J/mol = -634.97 kJ/mol

Allicin contains 59.9 g of carbon, 21.7 g of hydrogen, 24.4 g of oxygen, and sulfur. What is the mass percent of sulfur in a 162 g sample of the compound?"


Answer: The mass percentage of sulfur in the given compound is 34.56 %.


We are given:

Mass of carbon in compound = 59.9 g

Mass of oxygen in compound = 24.4 g

Mass of Hydrogen in compound = 21.7 g

Mass of the compound = 162 g

Mass of sulfur in compound = 162-(59.9+24.4+21.7)=56g

To calculate the mass percent of an element in a compound, we use the equation:

\text{Mass percent of sulfur}=\frac{\text{Mass of sulfur in compound}}{\text{Mass of the compound}}* 100

Putting values in above equation, we get:

\text{Mass percent of sulfur}=(56g)/(162g)* 100 = 34.56\%

Hence, the mass percentage of sulfur in the given compound is 34.56 %.

You can get the mass of sulfur on this compound by minus other element mass from total mass. So the mass is 162-59.9-21.7-24.4=56 g. The mass percent is 56/162*100%=34.57 %.

Which risk is associated with using nuclear fission to produce energy in a power plant?(1) depletion of hydrocarbons
(2) depletion of atmospheric oxygen
(3) exposure of workers to radiation
(4) exposure of workers to sulfur dioxide



The correct answer is option 3, that is, exposure of workers to radiation.


The process of nuclear fission takes place when uranium nuclei get bombarded with neutrons. This association dissociates the uranium nuclei apart, discharging radiation, heat, and more neutrons. The neutrons, which gets discharged results in a chain reaction as more uranium nuclei get bombarded, generating huge amounts of energy.  

The massive concern related to a nuclear power accident is the negative influences of radiation on the human body. If an individual gets exposed to an acute dose of greater levels of radiation, the outcome would be radiation sickness. Radiation sickness is illustrated as illness resulting due to exposure to a large dose of radiation over a brief time duration. The signs may comprise nausea, skin burns, diarrhea, vomiting, general weakness, hair loss, and possibly death.  

The risk that is associated with nuclear fission to produce energy in a power plant is 3) Exposure of workers to radiation. 

Which reaction does not occur?2HF(aq) + Cl2(g) → F2(g) + 2HCl(aq)
2Na(s) + ZnF2(aq) + 2NaF(aq) + Zn(s)
O Fe(s) + CuCl2(aq) → FeCl2(aq) + Cu(s)
0 2HCl(aq) + Mg(s) → MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)


Answer: 2HF(aq)+Cl_2(g)\rightarrow F_2(g)+2HCl(aq) will not occur.


A single replacement reaction is one in which a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element from its salt solution. Thus one element should be different from another element.

A general single displacement reaction can be represented as :

X+YZ\rightarrow XZ+Y

a) 2HF(aq)+Cl_2(g)\rightarrow F_2(g)+2HCl(aq)

Flourine is more reactive than chlorine and hence this reaction cannot occur.

b) 2Na(s)+ZnF_2(aq)\rightarrow 2NaF(aq)+Zn(s)

Sodium is more reactive than zinc and hence the reaction will occur.

c) Fe(s)+CuCl_2(aq)\rightarrow FeCl_2(aq)+Cu(s)

Iron is more reactive than copper and hence the reaction will occur.

d) 2HCl(aq)+Mg(s)\rightarrow MgCl_2(aq)+H_2(g)

Magnesium is more reactive than hydrogen and hence the reaction will occur.