Innocent III was able to temporarily unify Germany and Italy.
True or false.


Answer 1
Answer: yes, he was able to do that

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30 PONITS FOR BEST ANSWER!!!!!!!!Answer these questions for the following program
•The name of the program ?
•What the program did ?
•When was it implemented?
•Does it still exist today?

1.FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Administration)
2.PWA (Public Works Administration)
3.AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Administration)
4.TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)
5.CCC (Civilian Conservation Corp)
6.FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)


The name of the program: FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Administration)
What the program did: This program gave loans and grants to states to operate relief programs.
When was it implemented: It was implemented in May 1933
Does it still exist today: No, FERA dissolved in December 1935

The name of the program: PWA (Public Works Administration)
What the program did: This program built hospitals, schools, and other public works to make more jobs to bring the economy back up after the Great Depression.
When was it implemented: It was implemented in 1933, as a part of the New Deal
Does it still exist today: No, it was shut down in 1943.

The name of the program: AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Administration)
What the program did: Its purpose was to reduce the amount of extra crops so that way the price of crops would increase. They did this by paying farmers not to grow extra crops.
When was it implemented: It was implemented in May 12, 1933
Does it still exist today: Yes, it is still in effect.

The name of the program: TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)
What the program did: The purpose of TVA was to provide food, navigation, electricity, etc to the Tennessee Valley, a region badly affected by the Great Depression
When was it implemented: It was implemented on May 18, 1933
Does it still exist today: Yes, it is still in effect.

The name of the program: CCC (Civilian Conservation Corp)
What the program did: The purpose of this program was to employ young men to do labor work.
When was it implemented: It was implemented in 1933
Does it still exist today: No, it was closed in 1942

The name of the program: FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
What the program did: This program guarantees the safety of the money you deposit into a bank for up to $250,000
When was it implemented: It was implemented in June 16, 1933
Does it still exist today: Yes, it is still in effect.

Hope that helped :)
FERA helped fund states to establish relief programs. It was founded in 1933 and terminated in 1935.
PWA helped many people get jobs by building many public works. It was created solely to help the economy after the Great Depression. It was founded in 1933 and lasted for another decade until 1943.
AAA paid farmers to not grow extra crops. This helped by making the price of the crops increase. It was founded in 1933 and still strives today.
TVA helped by providing the Tennessee Valley with crucial necessities after the Great Depression. It was founded in 1933 and still strives today.
CCC employed people for work. It was founded in 1933 and lasted for nine more years until 1942.
FDIC insures deposits in banks for at least $250,000. It was founded in 1933 and still exists today.

I hope I have helped you. :D

The development of an atomic bomb by the United States did which of these? (5 points)A. pressured German leaders to surrender

B. increased tensions between Truman and Stalin

C. worried the leaders of France and Great Britain

D. led Stalin to postpone a Soviet invasion of Japan

The statement below was made by Robert H. Shumard, a crewman of the B-29 that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima:
"Nobody actually wants to cause the destruction we caused. But it was through a necessity rather than a wanton type of destruction. It was something that had to be done."
With which principle associated with the Nuremberg Trials would Shumard agree?

A. A soldier must always follow orders.

B. War criminals must be put on trial for their misdeeds.

C. The destruction of towns and cities constitutes a war crime.

D. Individuals are accountable for their actions even during war.

I am not sure what the answer to these questions are, any help would be appreciated!


The first one is B since it started the Arm's Race between the US and the USSR
The second one is A, since the soldiers didn't want distruction, they wanted them to surender before, but they did as they were told. 
Question 1: B
Question 2: A

I hope I helped!

Who would win in a match between Thor and Captin Marvel


capitn mavel jsut because she is sooo much cooler


Captain Marvel  maybe


Please Answer quickly!!In which way are communism and fascism alike?

A. Both are anti-imperialistic.

B. Both share a similar economic philosophy

c. both seek totalitarian rule.

D. both were invented in Germany.


Both communism and fascism alike seektotalitarian rule. Thus, option C is appropriate.

Both communists, as well as fascists, desired to topple established regimes, establish communities with new values, to foster a new sort of human consciousness.

Fascism is frequently linked to militaristic, authoritarian governments, whereas communism is linked to socialist, democratic governments. Contrary to communism, which advocates shared ownership of the tools of production, fascism encourages individual ownership and management of the means for production.

Both forms of capitalism and communism are systems of social organization that focus on the ownership of real estate with is related to industries and trade in the economy. Similar to how every coin has two sides—a good side and a terrible side—so do communism and capitalism.

Thus, option C is correct.

Learn more about communism here:


The answer is C.both seek totalitarian rule

Hope i help

Who led the Mormon migration to the Great Salt Lake area


Brigham Young led the mormons into the Utah valleys salt lake 

1. The Western Roman Empire finally collapsed when the final emperor was driven from power. Who forced the emperor from power?A) the Huns
B) Germanic tribes
C) the Byzantine Empire
D) the Catholic Church

2. What is the difference between the Torah and the Talmud?

A) The Torah describes the basic laws of Judaism; the Talmud is a collection of opinions on legal issues.
B) The Torah has been handed down for generations; the Talmud is a series of books.
C) The Torah means "study"; the Talmud means "the Five Books of Moses."
D) The Torah focuses on interpreting ideas and recommendations; the Talmud focuses on directions for daily living.


1. B) Germanic tribes

A) The Torah describes the basic laws of Judaism; the Talmud is a collection of opinions on legal issues.
your answers are: 

1. B) Germanic tribes
2. A) The Torah describes the basic laws of Judaism; the Talmud is a collection of opinions on legal issues.