Sociology is defined as the science of "society" and education in an important aspect and implicit function of any social system. The sociology of education may be defined as the study of how public establishments and the individual experiences affect the education and its outcomes. It is the study of processes, structures and practices for the sociological point of view. The educational problems and issues are solved using the basic fundamental and theories used in sociology.
B.accommodation versus application.
C.change versus nature.
D.stability versus change.
The correct option is "D.stability versus change."
In every process of change there are elements that evolve and others that remain stable (as if they were repeating themselves). The purpose of this double dynamic is to allow change and avoid the disintegration of the total object that changes; so that the parts that do not change -or that they almost do not change- assimilate the new while maintaining the coherence of the identity. At another time, those parts may change ponderable, while others remain almost stable. These seemingly constant parts are key elements that function as organizers of a multitude of other secondary elements to structure together the foundation on which the feeling of identity is generated.
c. lockout
b. embargo
d. strike
B. 18th Amendment
C. 22nd Amendment
D. 26th Amendment
D. 26th amendment