- Lithosphere (Sial and Sima)
- Asthenosphere (Molten Rock River)
- Mesosphere
OUTER CORE (Liquid Iron and Nickel)
INNER CORE (Solid Iron Compounds)
When you learn the layers of the Earth there really isn't a lot to explain. It's one of those memorization things. You might be wondering how all the layers came to be. When the Earth was forming billions of years ago, the matter came together. The densest matter moved to the center of the planet. The lighter rocks remained on the surface. When everything was done, the mantle wound up being about 2/3 the mass of the planet.
Question: what is a trapezoid?
Answer: ?
Basically, a well is a hole drilled into the ground to access water contained in an aquifer. A pipe and a pump are used to pull water out of the ground, and a screen filters out unwanted particles that could clog the pipe. Wells come in different shapes and sizes, depending on the type of material the well is drilled into and how much water is being pumped out.
Hope this helps
(2) Relative humidity is 29% with a good chance of snow.
(3) Relative humidity is 93% with clear skies.
(4) Relative humidity is 93% with a good chance of rain.
Pelase write how to determine the right answer?