1. cynicism
reaching conclusions based on observation
2. inductive reasoning
a particular system of thought or doctrine
3. philosophy
a means of arriving at truth by questioning, obtaining answers, and criticizing the answers
4. skepticism
philosophy that believes true knowledge is not possible
5. Socratic Method
philosophy that attempts to combine different systems of beliefs or practices
6. syncretism
a philosophy that doubts the attitude, beliefs, or character of others
the Catholic clergy refused to perform their duties
rulers in northern Europe resented the power of the Catholic Church
the Muslim religion became more popular in northern Europe
it would be a beacause i got it right
human progress.
the meaning of life.
war’s inevitability.
In the postwar period, disillusionment influenced the work of many artists and writers, prompting them to question and examine human progress.
The postward, which developed between World War I and World War II, was a period of disillusionment and lost. Contradictory impulses were portrayed in the art works since advances in science and technology in Western countries brought a sense of unprecedented progress. However, the devastation of World War I and the Great Depression caused widespread suffering in Europe and the United States. Although artists expressed contradictory feelings of destruction as well as despair which caused loss of faith in traditional structures and beliefs, the postwar period resulted to be one of the richest and most productive in American literature.