Los ninos salir a jugar tan pronto como hacer sus tareas


Answer 1

We can use the elements provided to form the following sentence, "Los niños salen a jugar tan pronto como hacen sus tareas," with the structure explained below.

What structure should we use?

The sentence provided is in Spanish and translates to "The children go out to play as soon as they do their homework" in English. Here's the breakdown of the sentence structure:

  • Subject: "Los niños" - This means "The children" and serves as the subject of the sentence.
  • Verb: "salen" - This is the present tense of the verb "salir," which means "to go out." It matches the subject "Los niños" (The children) since it's in the third person plural form.
  • Connector: "tan pronto como" - This means "as soon as" and acts as a connector or conjunction in the sentence.
  • Verb: "hacen" - This is the present tense of the verb "hacer," which means "to do/make." It refers to the action of doing their homework. Again, it matches the subject "Los niños" (The children).
  • Object: "sus tareas" - This means "their homework" and serves as the direct object of the verb "hacen" (do/make).

So, the sentence structure follows the pattern: Subject + Verb + Connector + Verb + Object. It indicates that the children go out to play (salen) at the specific moment when they finish doing their homework (hacen sus tareas), emphasizing that playing outside is their reward for completing their tasks.

Learn more about Spanish here:



Answer 2
Answer: Your conjugation of salir would be “salen”. So your sentence would say ‘Los niños salen a jugar tan pronto como hacen sus tareas’. And your conjugation for hacer would be “hacen”.

Hope this helps!

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Hope this helps. :)
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The correct conjugation of the verbs in parenthesis, using the indirect object pronouns is in the first attached picture, and the translation to English is in the second attached picture.

The use of the indirect object pronouns.

The indirect object pronouns are used to mention who is the affected or benefited of the action (regularly the same person that does the action). Depending on the personal pronoun used, the indirect object pronouns can be:

  • Yo:me
  • Tú: te
  • Usted:le
  • Él:le
  • Ella: le
  • Ello: le
  • Nosotros / Nosotras: nos
  • Ustedes: les
  • Ellos / Ellas:les

If you want to learn more about object pronouns, you can visit the next link: brainly.com/question/627377?referrer=searchResults

1. Les aburren
2. Me aburre
3. Le gusta
4. Le fascina
5. Le falta
6. Le queda
7. Me molestan
8. Te quedan
9. Le molesta
10. Le importa