In 1948, the State of Israel was formed by the Zionist Movement which began in Europe at the turn of the the 19th century to form the state of Israel. The State of Israel was created for numerous political reasons as well as the desire to provide a homeland for the Jewish people.
Monotheism is the belief that god can be cruel. Polytheism is the belief that god is all forgiving.
Monotheism is the belief in many gods. Polytheism is the belief in only one god.
Monotheism is the worship of one god. Polytheism is the worship of many gods.
Monotheism is the worship of the sun god. Polytheism is the worship of the god of everything.
Frederick Douglass spent around 40 years of his life fighting against slavery. Whether through his speeches or books, Frederick sought to end the slavery of his own people. He did not have the power to end slavery in the United States on his own, but he certainly was a leader in proclaiming his disgust with the issue. Frederick Douglass traveled, spoke, and wrote; he did all that he could for others to hear what he had to say. Frederick Douglass's efforts impacted the United States government, economy, and ethics., Frederick Douglass became one of the most prominent leaders of the abolitionist movement. The movement effected the United States in several different ways. Douglass himself changed views of who was to hold political offices when he became the Marshall for Washington D.C. in 1877. "He saw the appointment as simply another milestone for his people" (Thomas). Frederick Douglass was also influential with his support of amendments and bills that gave blacks more freedom.
A bad government will oppress religious liberties more than civil liberties
A government that is good at securing civil liberties will also keep religious liberties.
Civil liberties are at risk if religions are given too much freedom
Religious liberties need separate protections from civil liberties.
the correct answer is B
He was aurguing that both liberties can not be separated from each other. the implication is that a government that commits to protect civil liberties must also protect religious liberties as well.
The correct answer is B) A government that is good at securing civil liberties will also keep religious liberties.
What the "Maryland Farmer" was trying to illustrate about the protection needed by the government in his statement was "A government that is good at securing civil liberties will also keep religious liberties."
The "Maryland Farmer" was part of the Antifederalists Papers that started on September 25, 1787. These essays were in opposition to the Federalists Papers written by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams, under the synonym of "Publius."
Antifederalists also used synonyms to sign their essays. George Clinton used the synonym of "Cato," or Samuel Adams used "Centinel."
They brought both the light of understanding along with a the movement of human emotion and desired change
Civil rights actions such as marches, rallies, and voter registration drives, engaged the public with the insight that there was indeed a problem or issue. Once the public became aware of theses issues regarding social injustices, they could enage their thoughts about how to bring change to problems that plagued society. As Martin Luther KIng Jr. stated, "Injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere. This summizes how the staging of these various civil rights acts, were necessary as vital movements for the well being of society as a whole.