How many contractions exist in spanish


Answer 1
Answer: Spanish only has two contractions that exist in the language.
Answer 2
Answer: Two contractions. Hoped I helped

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Which phrase correctly completes the second sentence?
Me gusta leer revistas de deportes.
cuando tengo tiempo libre.
Los leo
Lo leo
La leo
Las leo


It’s A I know it because I am Spanish
Answer: The answer is “Lo leo.”

Explanation: In the second sentence, it says “cuando TENGO...” Tengo is the first-person perspective of “to have.” We know it’s not “Los leo” or “Las leo,” because those are referring to several people. If this were the case, it’d say “Los leo cuando tienes tiempo libre,” but that’s not the sentence we were given.

What events led to british defeat at saratoga


If I remember, General Burgoyne of the British army was supposed to meet General Howe (British) and Lt. Colonel Barry St. Leger (British). Burgoyne's plan however failed. Instead of meeting in Albany, Howe went on to Philadelphia and won the Battle of Brandywine which allowed him control of Philadelphia. St. Leger wanted to fight the Americans so he made an alliance with some Iroquois Indians, their leader Joseph Brant (Thayendanega), and formed Fort Stanwix. Benedict Arnold who was seeing this devised a plan where he captured a Loyalist and some Iroquois Indians and spread a rumor that his army was very large. When message reached St. Leger, he retreated immediately to Fort Oswego. Therefore, no one was left to rendezvous with Burgoyne.  Burgoyne's march alone up to Saratoga was slow and he would even throw parties along the way. He also got attacked by rebel sympathizers often. By the time he reached Saratoga, Burgoyne's army was drained and tired and in desperate need of supplies which all contributed to the British defeat at Saratoga. hope this helped :)

Un plato italiano común en Argentina son los ñoquis.



alto gizo


si bro yo lo como mucho


Creo que tienes razon


Recientemente vi un meme diciendo "gordo termotanque de ñoquis" asi que creo que esta en lo correcto

El jugador que guarda el arco es el



Portero (arquero, guardameta, etc.)


The player that takes care of the gate, is called a "portero" (gatekeeper).

Hope it helped,


What is the difference between"gustar" with infinitives and "gustar with nouns? (Spanish)


the only difference is what it is your talking about


Me gusta este libro- I like this book

Me gusta leer libros- I like to read books or I like reading books

if you use a noun after gusta you have to pay attention weather the noun is singular or plural. If the noun is plural you need to change gustar plural and that will be " gustan "

Me gustan libros- I like books

motocicletas son grandes. (our
a. Nuestro
b. Nuestras​



B . Nuestras - motocicletas son grandes

Our motorcycles are big

Nuestras motocicletas son Grandes