If an earthquake were to occur at Binghamton NY which location would experience seismic waves first


Answer 1
Answer: The answer would be Brocklyn

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Cellular- Production of ATP via oxidation of organic sugar compounds

I hope this helps :)

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Which of the following describes an independent variable



D. The variable in an experiment that is manipulated by the scientist.


The independent variable is what is purposely changed or controlled to see what the effect is.

Hope this helps!


the variable is an experiment that is manipulated by the scientist


A pex

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Okay for #1 the answer would be the sun because it is larger in mass than the moon.

#2- The high tides are very high during the new and full moon phases because the centrifugal force is greater than the Moon's gravitational pull.

#3- The Earth, Sun, and Moon are alligned during a neap tide.

The Michigan forests contain a variety of tree species. What happens to the tree population when a forest losses its diversity; when only one tree species dominates an area? Students in biology class conducted the following simulations to predict the effects oon one tree species due to the presence of an invasive insect species: the hemlock woolly adelgid. Simulation #1 - 1. 28 students were given a card marked with H for hemlock 2. Each student moves around the room to meet three other students and write their names on their card. 3. The teacher represents the hemlock woolly adelgid.. He touches one student who dies and sits down. That student reads the names on his/her card. 4. Each student named, also dies and also reads the names on their cards. 5. Continue to all the students sitting have read the names on their cards. Count the number of students still standing. Simulation #2 1. Students are given cards marked H - hemlock; JP - jack pine; F - balsam fir; A - aspen; B - birch. 2. Repeat steps #2 - #5 from Simulation #1. 3. This time ONLY the students marked H will sit down. The other species of trees do not die. Based on the students' simulations, what conclusion can be drawn?A)Biodiversity halts the impact of disease and/or insect damage in an ecosystem.
B)Planting hemlocks in stands by themselves will save the other tree species growing throughout Michigan.
C)By planting a variety of tree species, you reduce the impact of specific insect damage on a forest ecosystem.


The answer is C
for surees


The Correct Answer Is C
