How do the nitrogen bases in the DNA model pair?


Answer 1


The nitrogenous based in DNA are as follows; Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C) and Thymine (T).

Adenine pairs with Thymine (AT) and Cytosine pairs with Guanine (CG):

Here is my doggo also! Your Welcome!

Answer 2


it can be grouped as purines adenine guanine pyrimidine cytosine and thymisine these nitrogeneois base are attached to C1' of deoxyribose through glycosibic bond

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(D) Linnaeus primarily used physical characteristics.



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The answer is D. learned behavior.

A change in behavior of an organism takes place due an experience is called learning. Animals learn behavior in many ways. On such way is given the question that anole lizard ate bright red butterfly instead small insects which are its normal food and became ill. Anole lizard learned through experience that bright red insects are not its food. Thus, a learned behavior is one that an organism develops by encountering experience.    

D It is a learned behavior that the lizard developed based on experience.

4 PointsWhich is a cause of natural selection?
A. Limited food
B. Stable weather
C. Unlimited shelter
D. Lack of predators


The cause of natural selection would most likely be limited food which causes competition
It’s limited food hope it helps