Explain by referring to the atomic structure of carbon. Compare between carbon fiber and iron (Fe) in terms of durability and performance.


Answer 1

Carbon is a chemicalelement with a chemical symbol "C". It has an atomic number of 6. That means a carbon atom has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6electrons. Since carbon is in the second row (or second period), it has 2 electron orbits. Use the clay to make your protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

However, some factors do influence its durability, like its matrix. Furthermore, the intense use of composites and environmental factors could affect its durability and potential applications.

Difference between carbon fiber and iron

  • Carbonfiber is five-times stronger than iron( FE ) and twice as stiff. Though carbon fiber is stronger and stiffer than Iron (Fe) it is lighter than steel; making it the ideal manufacturing material for many parts. These are just a few reasons why carbon fiber is favored by engineers and designers for manufacturing.

  • Steel with more carbon is harder and stronger than pure iron, but it also breaks more easily (brittle).

Read more about carbon fibre:


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Suppose you wanted to dissolve 109 g of sodium carbonate in enough water to make 6.00 L of solution. What is the molarity of this solution?



a. Na2CO3
                Molar mass = 106 g/mol
    n= 109 g / (106 g/mol) = 1.028 mol

b. 6.00L

c. M=n/V
    M = 1.028 mol / 6.00 L
    M= 0.1713 mol / L

Answer: The molarity of the sodium carbonate solution is 0.1713 mol/L

Which description explains the role of activation energy in a chemical reaction? A .It provides useful energy that is released in an exothermic reaction.
B. It stops the products from being formed from the intermediate state.
C. It slows down the overall chemical reaction so it does not happen too quickly.
D. It provides reactants with sufficient energy for bonds to break and reform.


Answer: The description it provides reactants with sufficient energy for bonds to break and reform best explains the role of activation energy in a chemical reaction.


Activation energy is defined as the minimum amount of required energy so that a chemical reaction can initiate.

As a result, it provides the reactants with certain amount of energy so that they will get the necessary amount of energy to break their bond and then  form new bonds.

Thus, we can conclude that the description it provides reactants with sufficient energy for bonds to break and reform best explains the role of activation energy in a chemical reaction.

D. Activation energy is the energy that is required in order for a reaction to occur, i.e. break and form new bonds

How do you determine formula units in a unit cell?


In order to determine the number of formula units of a substance in a cell, you need to know the density of the substance and the edge length of the unit cell. Suppose that you are given the following problem:The density of TlCl(s) is 7.00 g/cm³, and the length of an edge of a unit cell is 385 pm. How many formula units of TlCl are in a unit cell?
Here’s how you solve the problem.
Calculate the volume of the unit cell.
If the length of an edge of the cell is a, then V = a³.
V = (385 × 10⁻¹² m)³ = 5.71 × 10⁻²⁹ m³Use the density to calculate the mass of the unit cell (The density of TlCl is the same, no matter what volume of TlCl we have).
Mass = 5.71 × 10⁻²⁹ m³ × (7.00 g/1 cm³) × (100 cm/1 m)³ = 3.99 × 10⁻²² gUse the molar mass to convert grams to moles.
3.99 × 10⁻²² g × (1 mol/239.8 g) = 1.67 × 10 ⁻²⁴ molUse Avogadro’s number to calculate the number of formula units.
1.67 × 10 ⁻²⁴ mol × (6.022 × 10²³ formula units/1 mol) = 1.00 formula units
Therefore, 1 unit cell of TlCl contains 1 formula unit.

Final answer:

To determine the formula units in a unit cell, understand the type of the unit cell structure (simple cubic, body-centred cubic, or face-centred cubic) and apply the appropriate calculation for that type.


To determine the number of formula units in a unit cell, one must first understand what these terms mean. A unit cell is the smallest repeating unit of a crystal lattice. There exist several different types that affect formula unit arrangement and quantity, including simple cubic, body-centred cubic, and face-centred cubic.

A crystal lattice is a three-dimensional framework of atoms, ions, or molecules arranged in a repeating pattern. The formula unit is the lowest whole-number ratio of ions represented in an ionic compound. In a simple cubic unit cell, there's one formula unit, in a body-centred cubic cell, there are two, and in a face-centred cubic cell, there are four.

For instance, if you are dealing with a simple cubic arrangement the unit cell is composed of 8 atoms forming the vertices and each one is shared amongst 8 neighbouring cells, you have (8 x 1/8 = 1) formula unit per cell. Similarly, in a body-centred cubic, there is 1 atom in the centre fully inside, and 8 on the corners shared with neighbouring cells, hence (1 + 8 x 1/8 = 2) formula units per unit cell.

Learn more about Unit Cells and Formula Units here:



The element carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen are all part of the same?


The elements carbon, nitrogen and oxygen are all part of the same row or period on the periodic table of elements.

It's urgent. I need help to know the oxidation numbers and what is the oxidation and reduction part of this equation Fe + H2SO4= Fe2(SO4)3 + H2


In the given equation: Fe + H2SO4 = Fe2(SO4)3 + H2

To determine the oxidation numbers, we assign oxidation numbers to each element in the equation.

1. Fe: The oxidation number of Fe is 0 since it is in its elemental form.

2. H2SO4:
- H has an oxidation number of +1.
- S has an oxidation number of +6 since it is in the sulfate ion (SO4)2-.
- O has an oxidation number of -2.

3. Fe2(SO4)3:
- Fe has an oxidation number of +3 since it is in the Fe2+ ion.
- S has an oxidation number of +6 since it is in the sulfate ion (SO4)2-.
- O has an oxidation number of -2.

4. H2:
- H has an oxidation number of 0 since it is in its elemental form.

Now, let's analyze the oxidation and reduction parts of the equation:

Oxidation: Fe is oxidized from an oxidation number of 0 to +3 in Fe2(SO4)3.

Reduction: H2SO4 is reduced. The sulfur (S) in H2SO4 goes from an oxidation number of +6 to +4 in Fe2(SO4)3, and the hydrogen (H) in H2SO4 goes from an oxidation number of +1 to 0 in H2.

Overall, in this equation, Fe is oxidized, and H2SO4 is reduced.

Which element has the greatest electronegativity? fluorine chlorine bromine iodine


Answer: Option (a) is the correct answer.


It is known that for non-metals, on moving down a group there will be decrease in electronegativity of elements.

Smaller is the size of a non-metal, more easily an electron will be attracted by its nucleus. Whereas larger is the size of element more is the number of electrons present in the atom.

Hence, more will be the number of shells and attraction between the nucleus and outermost electrons will decrease. As a result, an electron will not easily get attracted by a larger atom.

Thus we can conclude that fluorine is the element that has the greatest electronegativity.

Fluorine has the greatest electronegativity