Where do decomposers fit on the pyramid of trophic levels?


Answer 1


we place the decomposers in a special place along the side of the pyramid


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Complete combustion occurs when the break is made carbonic chain and the oxidation of all the carbon atoms of the carbonic chain.

and another name :
In this case, no amount of oxidant, i.e. oxygen enough to burn all the fuel.

hope this helps!

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An atom has an atomic number of 12 and a mass number of 25. How many neutrons does the atom have?12



The correct answer for the number of neutrons in this atom is: 13


Hello! Let's solve this!

The atomic number indicates the number of protons in the nucleus.

The mass number is the sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

So, we have to make the difference between both numbers.

25-12 = 13

The correct answer for the number of neutrons in this atom is: 13

25-12= 13. The mass number is the atomic number plus the no. of neutrons

The atomic masses in the Periodic Table are not integral numbers. For example, carbon is listed as 12.011 amu instead of 12.000 amu. Why?


The reason that the atomic masses shown on the periodic table include fractions, is to account for the other isotopes of the element, not just the pure element. Remember, an isotope is a atom of an element with a reduced or increased number of neutrons. This changes the atomic mass but not the charge. The number is calculated by multiplying the atomic mass of each isotope of the element with its percent abundance found in nature. Therefore it is an averaged atomic mass for all of the element. For example, carbon-12 may (I don't know the real numbers) have a % abundance of 98.5%, and carbon-14 may have a percent abundance of 1.5%, so that is why carbon would have an atomic mass greater than 12.000.

When hydrogen (H2) and chlorine (Cl2) gases are mixed, hydrogen chloride (HCl) is produced. Hydrogen chloride is classified as what type of matter?



Gaseous matter


Hydrogen chloride gas is formed from the combination of volumes of hydrogen gas and chlorine gas in equal proportion. It is one of the hydrogen halides I.e a compound formed from the combination of hydrogen and halogens.

Hydrogen chloride gas is a colorless gas.

Both hydrogen gas and chlorine gas can be obtained through the electrolysis of brine in the chlor alkali process.

Cl2(g) + H2(g) → 2 HCl(g)

The combination is exothermic and thus heat is released to the surroundings. A construction called HCl burner is used to carry out the reaction because of the heat given off. The produced gas is then absorbed in water

Percentage offspring will have small wings


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